Health Questions

  1. Im so scared of giving birth
  2. my nose ring fell out HELP
  3. My vag issues
  4. Can you take NyQuil while taking Levaquin?
  5. Something Wrong With Me
  6. I cant sleep its been 8 days now with about 4 hours sleep
  8. does birth control really causes abortion?
  9. Why does my tongue hurt? I just got over a cold.
  10. Can you get pregnant even when tubes are tied ?
  11. Psychiatrist
  12. My period
  13. Has anybody endured wearing an occlusal splint?
  14. Tooth Gonna Be Okay?
  15. Medical question?
  16. Would semen cause pregnancy?
  17. Is minerva a birth control
  18. How do I give myself an enema?
  19. Do you think I have a mental disorder?
  20. Why is my tummy swelling?!?
  21. Wankk = pimples?
  22. my boyfriend cums inside of me and I havent gotten pregnet???
  23. Why do I feel so weak
  24. Im bleeding and I am not on my period
  25. My feet always smell bad
  26. Had my period for more then 7days now. Black blood?
  27. Could smoking and drinking effect the baby already?
  28. How am I 2 months pregnant already?
  29. Should I get a home test or what?
  30. Do I have that disability when you read stuff backwards?
  31. How can I get condoms?
  32. Im 4 months preg and starting to show what shall I do?
  33. Does the morning after pill harm you if youre not pregnant?
  34. How do psychopaths act?
  35. What is this discharge when my boyfriend fingers me?
  36. Will my bladder get used to me drinking a lot of water?
  37. Why can I taste and smell blood?
  38. How short/long can a period last for?
  39. Are there any pregnancy support websites?
  40. How do you get rid of a blister sting?
  41. How soon can I go and see my doc?
  42. Could I get my breasts reduced for free?
  43. What is the youngest age you could start your period?
  44. Does the pill make you emotional?
  45. Can I get pregnant just from fingering?
  46. Do Cloves help Toothaches?
  47. Are there any mood disorders where you dont have to be depressed
  48. What are the staines on my thongs?
  49. Why do I see lights when I cough or sneeze?
  50. What is wrong with me!?
  51. Can you get herpes from sharing a drink?
  52. Should I talk to my doctor about being depressed?
  53. How long does weed take to clear your system?
  54. How come we cant feel the little ball at the back of our throat?
  55. What are some mood disorders?
  56. I think im pregnant, what should I do?
  57. He cant wear condoms, help?
  58. What does it feel like to be on heroin?
  59. Is it okay to walk a lot after getting my apendix out?
  60. Monster Energy drink affects?
  61. What does DP5E mean for a pee test?
  62. Could this have been a seisure?
  63. Can stress and gym class affect my period?
  64. Im pregnant at 13, what to do?
  65. What is testerone?
  66. I feel 'out of it' recently, is this normal?
  67. Is drinking redbull during pregnancy bad?
  68. What are the bad side effects of birth control?
  69. Basket ball belly or watermelon?
  70. What's the best position to use a douche?
  71. Is smoking marijuana everyday bad?
  72. Eyes getting blurrier?
  73. Why is there puss coming from my belly ring?
  74. Is this wanking problem normal?
  75. Why are my nipples itchy?
  76. Can period blood be brown and still fresh blood?
  77. How can I help the cut in my vagina heal?
  78. I have bumps on my penis I don't know what they are tho
  79. Can a miscarrige cause your period to come late
  80. What can I do to lower my husbands bad cholesterol?
  81. When she took off her pants I felt such a terribly stinky smell
  82. Period sleep leaking
  83. Tummy hurts
  84. I just got fingered for the first time
  85. My tounge is burnt really bad from chewing red hot gum
  86. Pregnancy--feel like I'm going to puke
  87. The top of my foot hurts, some swelling what can I do
  88. Stomach Pains
  89. I think I have a brain tumor.
  90. When my husband comes inside of me it comes out right after
  91. What flushes system in little as possible time?
  92. Gay douching?
  93. Pregnancy test dont work on the females in my family
  94. I need more advise than to go and pee on a stick
  95. Thinkin that I am pregnant
  96. Natural Mole Remover
  97. why do I feel death?
  98. I think im think im pregnant be not sure need advise please
  99. is it ok to be this small and be 41/2 monthes prego?
  100. worst pain you had?