Health Questions

  1. How can I help my alcoholic friend?
  2. Is tanning good for your face?
  3. Cigar smoke worse than cigarette?
  4. Is missing a period normal?
  5. What is ideal body weight?
  6. need advice on abortions and parents
  7. BC question
  8. Can I get pregnant?
  9. Sobering up ideas
  10. Does this happen to other people
  11. I need help because im pregnant?
  12. Am I overweight at 5'5 and 65kg?
  13. Ummmm, yeah, I also wanted to ask about tampons
  14. pregnancy test positive but I'm having light period should I worry?
  15. about periods.. how thick is the blood meant to be???
  16. Can precum get someone pregnant?
  17. abnormal period
  18. How often is First Response Pregnacy Testing usually right?
  19. anorexia-anemia
  20. Should I be worried about getting pregant
  21. A few days ago I found my moms stash....
  22. Tampons - new to using them, bit nervous
  23. pregnancy and abortion any issues or side effects?
  24. stomach pains, it hurts when I eat
  25. What to eat if you have stomach problems
  26. Already have one child...thinking I am r
  27. growth - possible to continue growing after 17 years old?
  28. did I do the right thing in getting my tubes tied at a young age?
  29. trying to conceive
  30. Does smoking increase your metabolism?
  31. I have bad spots on my face - any solutions?
  32. Is my two toned mole a sign of cancer, how do I find out?
  33. what kind of excersies do i have to do enable to lose weight?
  34. had a abortion will I get pregnant again
  35. Best way to monitor my nutritional intake - watch my diet?
  36. Im pregnant and my boyfriend wont work! Help
  37. itchy vagina when I wipe, do you think this is a problem?
  38. speed up puberty
  39. What happens if you wear a tampon too long?
  40. Blackheads on legs
  41. 15 and I think im pregnant
  42. How many americans are diabetic?
  43. What is central vertigo and demyelination disease?
  44. who is sickrobot?
  45. What is Marlena Dietrick's real name?
  46. How do I negotiate prices with my doctor?
  47. what does a root canal look like?
  48. Where did Bob Marley's Cancer originate from?
  49. Where is St. Francis Hospital located?
  50. On what day did the Hindenberg crash?
  51. What actress won an Academy Award for her role as a nurse in
  52. Which one of the Kittens in Atomic Kitten is pregnant?
  53. Is Addison disease easy to overcome?
  54. how long does it take marijuana to leave the blood system?
  55. what year did george burns die?
  56. What is the lung disease CDS?
  57. what is the name of an inherited skin diseases?
  58. What does "Sitting Shiva" mean?
  59. donde esta los chivas?
  60. where is Micheal Scott?
  61. Why are trans fats unhealthy?
  62. Is bottled water healthy?
  63. plane travels being pregnant ?
  64. What are the symptoms of West Nile virus infection?
  65. Why do I keep getting sick?
  66. What is demyelination disease?
  67. What types of exercises are recommended for building muscles?
  68. What is the study of mermaids called?
  69. What are the elements monetary value in a human body?
  70. What is central vertigo demyelination disease?
  71. What is another word for "sea sickness"?
  72. what is snuff?
  73. what is aspirin made of?
  74. What are protozoan diseases?
  75. how to cure sinusitis?
  76. What are the health benefits of the mineral boron?
  77. how many wisdom teeth are there in a normal set of teeth?
  78. Where can I find information on being anurse?
  79. what's on the inside of a belly button?
  80. Is having a baby painful?
  81. Who to know if you are pregnant?
  82. Who starred in the movie crash?
  83. Who sells gerber diaper rash ointment in canada?
  84. Who sang closing time?
  85. Who qualifies for medicaid?
  86. Who is the best doctor to see about hemorrids?
  87. Who hires medical asthetic nurses?
  88. Who health definition?
  89. Who got katie pregnant?
  90. Who discovered meningitis?
  91. Who discovered diabetes?
  92. Who discovered cat scratch disease or cat scratch fever?
  93. Who barry bonds influences?
  94. When was hepatitis c first discovered?
  95. When to stop the pill before getting pregnant?
  96. When to pull uncircumcised skin back?
  97. When to go to emergency room when you break out with hives?
  98. When to call doctor rectal temperature?
  99. When to begin vaccinating infants?
  100. When should I expect my first period after giving birth?