Does this happen to other people

I think im going crazy lol when its really stormy this sounds like im playing a joke but im not anyway… when is really stormy and dark at night I see people walking around my house, I’ve been seeing them for a really long time, dont make fun of me please, I learned to deal with tha site, so when I go to sleep I feel really weird… I fall asleep and when I do I have tha scarest dreams then on top of that I can feel some one tucking mu mouth, I feel something on mu back but its too light, its like you know its not there but yo can feel it, im not crazy ok I believe in ghost its just that I don like that they can tauch me I mite be just a lil freaked out rite now… but its true… ~What is wrong with me am I crazy~

Answer #1

I bet to most people it sounds crazy unless you have experienced it yourself. For me I don’t see people walking around the house but I can feel that someone is there. Sometimes it feels evil and sometimes it doesn’t. Almost like a Grandparent came to see what I was up to. When its scary though it really sucks. I haven’t felt someone in bed with me since I have moved. We built our own home. I felt there was no way I could feel evil in my home again. I have a little but nothing like my old house. I could even feel my bed shake at my last house. It wasn’t just me cause I had a male roommate once who rented the upstairs and he asked me if I ever came to his room at night because he felt like someone was there and he even felt like someone was sitting on his bed.

Now my son who is 8 has been describing feelings he has at night. I have sat with him when he has said that I can feel it too and could even tell you right in the room where I feel it and its the same for him. I tell him he is special like Mommy because we can feel spirits. Here to help!

Answer #2

Maybe you’re not crazy at all and there are people from past lives in your house. Some people think of ghosts as something scary because of the media and movies. Try not to thnk of them as ghosts but people from the past. Sometimes they dont wanna hurt u….sometimes they do. Figure that one out quick and u’ll be fine.

Answer #3

ooh , I dont think youre crazy .. I can see .. other .. people too , ever since I was little. its something you learn to live with eventually. as long as they dont hurt you , try not being too scared of them. once I was sleeping and I woke up at like five in the morning .. well I was half asleep but I felt something , and it didnt look like a normal person , since it was still a bit dark it just looked like a person thats all black and it took my arms and pinned them up above my head and got on top of me. it was really scary but it was the only time it happened. just pray before you go to sleep , you probably dont have a strong relationship with God thats why you see them.

Answer #4

all u shuld do is pray to god and in my religen(cathlic) we say a pryer b4 we go 2 sleep i wont tell u it in inglish bcause yeah i only now it in spanish but all its saying to god to keep alot of scarythings will not b there with u tonight i dont now ur religen(i cant spell man! lol) but all u should do is pray

Answer #5

Hey no i don’t think your crazy my big bro was once taking a picture out side his bedroom window on his own as he took the pic there was a gost in the way it couldnt of bean no 1 else there it freak my out that day because i had a bad feeling but nothink happend i belive in sprites thay wont hurt u there more scared of you then u are off them

Answer #6

hi, I dont think you are crazy. I was simply wondering, are you xtian? do you believe in GOD? I know it wud make a hell of a difference if you said a prayer before you went to sleep at night.good luck

Answer #7

heya was reading all the comments ppl rote but personly i think that u shud not c a phyciatrist ther expensiv n dat wel neways for the dreams ppl usd ta go to me that u shud put a glass on water nea ur bed b4 u sleep, ok myt sound wierd but it does wrk for me, that shud stop the dreams abt the ghosts have u tried a smallnite light??? if u gna try this tel me how it goes n if it dnt wrk iv got loads of utha small thing u cn try

Answer #8

I think you should see a phsychatrist. Maybe you’re not crazy. Perhaps you have Morgellons Disease, in which it feels like your skin is crawling. And seeing people walk in your house? Our eyes often get the better of us when we are looking for it.

I myself don’t believe in anything supernatural. (Except aliens… it’d be proposterous not to in the vast universe… but I don’t believe they have visited us… they’d have to travel faster than light and it’d take thousands of years to reach earth.)

Answer #9


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