Health Questions

  1. What does it feel like to be pregnant?
  2. Getting my tonsils out, does it hurt?
  3. Reasons for cloudy urine?
  4. Why do I feel like throwing up all the time?
  5. Is it possible to get pregnant if my boyfriend has had a vasectomy?
  6. The Next Epidemic?
  7. Good place to donate for finding the cure of epidemolysis bullosa?
  8. Life sucks, anyone agree?
  9. Swelling in my ankle, how to help the pain?
  10. Can you get pregnant from swallowing?
  11. I just 'accidentily' overdosed on zyrtec about 4 hours ago.
  12. What are the pros and cons of antidepressants?
  13. What are carbs?
  14. How can I overcome being anorexic?
  15. Blood bumps on the outside of the vagina area
  16. What is a halter monitor, does getting one hurt?
  17. Am I growing too fast?
  18. Infected monroe piercing
  19. What should I do if I'm pregnant and dont have health insurance
  20. Could I spread STDs?
  21. Is drinking alcohol every weekend bad?
  22. How do I take my anger out in a healthy way?
  23. My friend has an eating disorder, how to help?
  24. Pregnancy and period?
  25. How to snap out of something?
  26. Having your period during pregnancy
  27. Has anybody tried the Clonix Product?
  28. How to make pain go away from braces?
  29. Suicidal thoughts
  30. Are pickles bad for you?
  31. Is my toungue piercing infected?
  32. I have been itchy in the vagina for a while whats wrong with me?
  33. What health benefits come from l-carnatine?
  34. Is it safe to buy painkillers online?
  35. If you have children, will you get them vaccinated?
  36. Which food contains protein and fiber ?
  37. Why do I always have headaches?
  38. DeTox worries
  39. How do I remove diazepam from my system?
  40. How do I stop emotional eating
  41. Liposuction is still very painful
  42. Is it normal to always wet down there?
  43. Restasis side effects
  44. Your Opinion about the pregnant transgendered man?
  45. Why do we cut our wrists?
  46. Is it okay for my boyfriend to finger me wth lubrication?
  47. How can I get my left boob to start growing?
  48. How to tell if one of my friends is anorexic?
  49. How I get marijuana out of my system?
  50. Have you ever been dead?
  51. Why does it hurt to bend down?
  52. Why is my tummy growling?
  53. Am I small normal or big in the breasts?
  54. Tummy hurts, is it because of the baby?
  55. Exposed cuts at the Doctors
  56. Clear discharge
  57. How old do you have to be to get your tubes tied and the cost?
  58. Coughing really hard all night long is normal?
  59. Do I have an eating disorder?
  60. Normal, that I can't brush the back part of my tounge
  61. Sleeping pills, how to get them out of your system
  62. How do doctors break bones?
  63. Can a man get a vasectomy reversed?
  64. is it common to have a period and still be pregnant ?
  65. What should I do to soothe dry eyes?
  66. Could I still be pregnant?
  67. I need birth control without my mom knowing
  68. Does anyone else have a popping elbow?
  69. Are depression tests accurate?
  70. How young is too young for birth control?
  71. Why am I so shy?
  72. Best pregnancy test to take?
  73. The white of my eyes aren't white
  74. Have this rash on my you know what
  75. Cant get to sleep
  76. Smokers and ex-smokers
  77. Can you get braces to close a small gap?
  78. Why dont people understand?
  79. Clear discharge and pregnancy
  80. Is it normal to have a tighter vagina while pregnant?
  81. Answer only if you wear digital hearing aids
  82. Possibly pregnant and the trampoline
  83. Does Implanon hurt when taken out?
  84. Birth control for period pain?
  85. Does anyone know where to get the pill?
  86. Scared out of my mind
  87. Red big spots on arms and legs
  88. What do frequent nose bleeds indicate?
  89. How to just come out with my depression?
  90. Advice wanted on periods
  91. Denture Advice
  92. Is this part of my vagina normal?
  93. How long does Glandular fever last ?
  94. Spotting, is it implantation bleeding?
  95. Did I start the Pill in the right way?
  96. Bloated, period and I think I'm pregnant
  97. Contraceptive Pill, Does that work?
  98. Birth Control, which won't make me fat?
  99. How can I increase my current height?
  100. Can diabetes make your life shorter?