General Knowledge Questions

  1. unsocial again !!!?
  2. teenage life in america?
  3. What no sound?
  4. What made a difference/impact in your life
  5. underage drinking tickets
  6. defference between...
  7. Funny/embarassing
  8. how do you get makeup stains off clothes???
  9. What do you think 2 the Barsley Accent???
  10. I don't want to be a pyro!
  11. sleep talking
  12. translate this in spanish:)
  13. Silly What If...
  14. Favorite names?
  15. Tha Girls On Here?
  16. I'm somewhere else?
  17. Does everyone actualy think that all irish people are called paddy
  18. where do you find a vampire?
  19. How Long Did the Aztec Civilization Last?
  20. Meaning "blowin down more trees than forest fires"?
  21. How to control anger/feelings
  22. does it mean im immature?
  23. I would like to know
  24. how do you stop your cuticles from pilling?
  25. How do I get this stupid paint off?
  26. what do you do when your bored?
  27. I hate that people judge me because..
  28. surveyzzz!!! xxx no.2
  29. New to Michigan
  30. is dis bad or good?
  31. why does this happen!
  32. Heres a joke!!
  33. Natural Attraction/ Unnatrual Attraction
  34. Help!!! I told a huge lie, need to get out w/o telling truth!!!
  35. how did any of you find this website?
  36. the longest time youve ever talked on the phone
  37. Ok or not ok? yes or no? hot or not?
  38. Funniest things
  39. Umm...Cute names...
  40. nick names for the name kerry?
  41. to all vampires
  42. Language
  43. What do YOU regret
  44. ever seen a sleep walker or been one yourself ?
  45. who lives in calgary
  46. calling a kid on the bus Buhdda is mean?
  47. Do you agree with the saying " girls rule and boys drool"?
  48. Would you...
  49. What triggers a person to commit a Crime?
  50. What the hell does I don't know mean?
  51. what is loitering?
  52. Do you find this offensive?
  53. what will happen if im cought driving at 14.
  54. what is u'r country
  55. phrases that sound like other word
  56. what time is it over at afghanistan right now?
  57. Shwin stingray to mini chopper
  58. what the fun on judging other people for what they look like or do?
  59. descibe me ??
  60. how can I be less shy?
  61. Can you help me with these definitions? Music class..
  62. Censored on Radio..
  63. Can anyone tell me anything about Bohemian culture?
  64. Quiz What time did you go to bed, what are you wearing...
  65. Liar Liar pants on fire
  66. cartoon people
  67. Success & Life. If you live aggressively can you be successful
  68. Please help me to solve this riddle..
  69. Which country you will choose?
  70. The name survey only 5 questions
  71. commerical theme they have.. it's kinda like an anticipating theme
  72. Monday Who thinks they have the best plans?
  73. different ways to say hello in english?
  74. is the name svetlana hard for you to say?
  75. What do you think of the name jenny?
  76. boost my confidence and get rid of all my shyness?
  77. faking sick
  78. I know this is way off base
  79. what's
  80. Math Help! ASAP!
  81. would you rather
  82. What EXACTLY is GOOFY! ! ! ! !
  83. what would happen...
  84. How hard is it to learn French?
  85. I'm sooo nervous!!!
  86. My life is turining into fml history ..good advice needed :(
  87. how can I boost my self confidence?
  88. Why am I not happy?
  89. So, what's everyones favourite subject on here?
  90. man I hate this town I think
  91. Highland Dance?
  92. Are you somehow releated to sumone wit your same last name???
  93. Strange random question I thought
  94. what are tail lights??
  95. Bad Dream
  96. range rover can you make an old one look newer?
  97. pirates that tookover the boat what happen???
  98. Motorbike people
  99. BOREDOM!!! HELP!!!
  100. Help me concertrate!