Censored on Radio..

Why is it, that we have a freedom of speech but artist alway’s get censored out on the radio? When they use fowl language or what not..but you cant say you dont want your kid’s hearing it cause you can turn the channel or at least no what they listen to right?

Answer #1

I agree… I’ve NEVER agreed with censoring ANYTHING, whether it be TV, a movie, or music. It should be left how the singer/band/movie person wrote it NOT how other people want it. If it’s so offenece, why bother to listen to it? Just to complain? Well that’s stupid and makes absoultely NO SENSE. If we REALLY had freedom of speech, things would be left AS IS. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it or listen to it… it’s not that difficult. And you know, half the time when they “censor” something you can easily tell what they’re saying so it makes absolutely no sense at all lol Either that or they’ll make a stupid sound effect like a beep or it’ll just be a pause… that sounds really retarded lol

I hate country/rap/R&B/etc… music but do you see me listening to it and being like “omg this sucks… this is SO the worst song I’ve ever heard”… NO you don’t… why? Because I don’t like it so therefore I DON’T LISTEN TO IT! lol

NOTHING should EVER be censored… that way people you like the music/movie/show played AS IT WAS WROTE can actually ENJOY it without hearing a stupid censored version.

Answer #2

yeah I no I agree it should be heard as written or shown I no it’s not pleasent for little kid’s to hear but at least change the channel but I no swearing is not that good to hear but sometime’s in movie’s or song’s or whatever it seem’s funnier with those word’s or something different I don’t know it’s just meh but thanks

Answer #3

Someone is going to have a cow if swearwords are used on the radio. MOO! Ha ha I wouldn’t care. Same with tv. Kids play violent rated m shooting games, yet they can’t hear swearwords on the radio and tv? Makes no sense…

Answer #4

There’s also common decency - vulgar words/vulgar discriptions can cross the line - words have meanings, they matter - one example: out in a music store, you have no control over what they’re playing over the speakers there.

Answer #5

I agree with you, but this country is really different now from back then. I guess it has to do with rules that people make about what can be said on the radio. I’m not quite sure what the answer is to your question, but I hoped I helped a little. :D

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