Questions & Answers

  1. Second belly button piercing
  2. On funadvice, are we allowed to post surveys? Thnxxx.
  3. My back hurts from leaning over the laptop..
  4. Mascara color for blue eyes and blonde hair?
  5. Nibiru
  6. How many Windows?
  7. Depressed.
  8. Vote of thanks
  9. I keep punching my face
  10. Whats going on inside my stomach at seven weeks?
  11. Is this a symptom of HIV positive?
  12. What should I do to keep my faith alive?Even when I am down(:-(
  13. Why is my eye a little bigger than the other?
  14. I use to see this white flue in my vigina
  15. Well, I have these "friends"
  16. I dont want to meet him
  17. how can I stop braces from hurting?
  18. I think my dad and stepmom hate me
  19. if I dont get away from my family I will suffocate
  20. Spots on chest and back
  21. What do girls wear to an outdoor rave/party?
  22. What are some symptoms of Hep C.
  23. Can you have a period without ovaries?
  24. Food addiction =[
  25. Weekend Extraviganza!
  26. My mum cuts herself!!
  27. How far on ??
  28. Am I preganant or worrying over nothing?
  29. Am I preg?
  30. Puzzled
  31. Bloated abdomen and feeling sick
  32. Why am I feeling extremely cold ?
  33. I had a scan yesturday!!!
  34. Ways To Put My Hair Up..
  35. I am 21 years...I had been getting my periods regulayly for 3 days..
  36. Free running training
  37. Laptop for just net & music download etc?
  38. Does pickle juice help lower blood pressure?
  39. This is too much
  40. Purchasing the moon
  41. Criss Angel mindfreak
  42. Good sayings ?
  43. Taking things Further
  44. Love...say something or wait?
  45. How can I get my dad to let me have a boy sepnd the night?
  46. Why is my boyfriend mean to me?
  47. Missy elliot work it bits
  48. What makes a girl a perfect girlfriend and marriage material?
  49. Good midnite snack healthy?
  50. Red spot on the back of my leg
  51. Is this overworking forearms?
  52. Can people masterbate to much
  53. An inch in serious need...!
  54. Proteine in urine
  55. I want my freckles to stay!
  56. Somethings hangin out of me
  57. Is It Still Stand Up Comedy ?
  58. who here has Little Big Planet for PS3
  59. Should I like him ?
  60. Where can I find an episode guide for Princess hours?
  61. Broke my ipod?
  62. Tattoo ideas?tattoo websites?help!
  63. Is she insane?
  64. Would an increased volume of a substance
  65. Vampire bites
  66. Im 2 shy what are sum things I could do 2 help me 4rm being shy?
  67. Hate having to find the whole to finger her
  68. where do you buy punkish clothes?
  69. Help thiefs in neighborhood
  70. Is "cytotec" an abortion pill??
  71. Taking out a nose screw piercing jewlery thing
  72. What time zone is tennessee in???
  73. Parkour
  74. Do bras stop the growth of boobs?
  75. New dog
  76. Does piercing the cartilage hurt a lot?
  77. Twitching really badly
  78. Should I stop wearing makeup for a while?
  79. Car specs
  80. If you were invisible
  81. I wanna look hot!
  82. Never been good at asking girls out
  83. What are some good nail polish colors?
  84. Does taking care of a mouse differ from taking care of a hamster?
  85. Who will be the anti-christ
  86. How to "get over it"
  87. Nickname trouble. Help
  88. Whats funniest science question evvva
  89. How long is it before you can tell if a kitten is a boy or girl??
  90. Am I overreacting or just ignore this?
  91. My cat had kittens! but I only get to keep one I don't know how to chose...
  92. Whats the name of this song that plays in hollister?
  93. Laxatives/fiber pills not working?
  94. What does it take
  95. How can I tell my boyfriend that I want to give him a bj or a hj?
  96. Is it true when a guy touch your hair/head, means that they like u?
  97. How To Hide A Pregnancy
  98. Can you get white kangaroo's ?
  99. Would it stay ?
  100. Does she like me???