Why is my boyfriend mean to me?

I luv my boyfriend soo much but every day we aruge and he always critisises me and always says im wrong and he always finds somethin to be mean about. We been going out for aaages and we been thru sooo much but I feel like he just puts me down all the time. And my confidense is getting lower because of it and hes really possesive and is always angry with me at least once a day. Why is he like this? I know he luvs me and I luv him too bbut why?

Answer #1

kick him to the curbb if your nice and hes a prat the thing to do is say f you

Answer #2

I toally agree wiv slavaim!

Answer #3

I guess the only thing you can do is talk to him calmly and clearly, explaining how his behaviour makes you feel. If he takes no notice, perhaps it is time to move on. I really think a guy should make you feel in the opposite way you are feeling, make you feel really special, loved and confident. As a guy I have to say I find it a bit sad that women even tolerate this behaviour, I don’t understand it, should you not want better for yourself? To be frank, a guy that is possessive, puts you down and is angry every day sounds like nutty behaviour, completely unacceptable, so I’m completely at a loss as to why you haven’t put your foot down with him? Not trying to criticise you, I just don’t get it.

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