Red spot on the back of my leg

I’m 15 and about 3 days ago I noticed 1 red spot on the back of my leg(just above the knee but at the back of my leg). now this morning I have one on the very bottom of my back just above my bum but the one on my leg has got smaller and doesn’t hurt much but it did when first discovered it was there. It is the same leg or same side of body. Bothe the spots are on. The both hurt when touched and when I’m in bed and roll over or move they can hurt a little. I herd it can be a sexually transmitted infection but I have never slept with anyone ever! I’m really really worried!. What could it be!?? Please help!! :(

Answer #1

it could be shingles! often painful to the touch onlt affects one side like you sed. and it is not an STI !! its called herpes zoster dunno why buit it aint an STI !!! usually clears up on its own. but if it don’t clear up in 2 weeks go see your gp

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