Is walking 4km a day healthier than biking 4km a day, or does it not make a difference?

Answer #1

I say walking, but if u wud increase the length with the bike I think that wud be healthier

Answer #2

It’s just destination to destination so there would not be a longer length on the bike.

Answer #3

then the walking is the better choice for sure, cuz it takes longer walking, meaning ur useing more energy and muscle

Answer #4

walking 4km is probably sumwhat healthier but if your biked around 5km that would be more healthy probably.

Answer #5

Biking 4km isn’t very long. Walking 4km would be better. Though running 3km would be even better! Haha. If you wanted to bike, I’d say 10km would be quite good.

Answer #6

It depends on the intensity of walking

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