what to do when you HATE the sun?

for some reason i can’t be out in the sun for even 10 minutes. i tired but i couldn’t, no i am not sensitive or anything the doctor said he doesn’t get why i hate the sun to..like when its lil bit sunny just a lil and i was outside i get inside quickly take a cold shower..

Answer #1

Im like that it, unless it winter time and cold outside. Its most likely just because your not used to being in the sun, if i go out in it i start to sweat immediatly and feel extremely hot and even dizzy. Its just because my body is accustomed to being out in the heat and sun since i stay inside most of the day and do my shopping at night. Alot of it is phycological also, if your thinking about how much you hate it and how hot it is, your going to be miserable automatically and feel like you cant handle it.

Answer #2

Slap some sunscrean on and get ur ass outside.

Answer #3

I would stay inside all day and go shopping (maybe.) I’m more of an indoor person anyhow.

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