Sit ups.

If I did 20 sit ups a day for 2 weeks, would I have a flatter stomach?

Answer #1

Not particularly, you’ll just get more stomach muscles. Any exercise will burn fat all over the body, not one particular spot.

Answer #2

Well… she said she wanted a FLATTER stomach… she didn’t mention anything about toning or muscle definition…

Besides, exercising your whole body INCLUDES abs…

Answer #3

But captain if you wanna look more tonded in areas then you have to work out those areas, anyway 20 isnot nearly enough-kayleie had the right idea though.

Answer #4

The concept of isolated weight loss is a myth.

You’ll get faster results if your exercise your ENTIRE BODY, and not just abs… the more muscle groups you use, the more calories will be burned.

Answer #5

Start off doing 20 sit up per day, and once you feel more comfatable and getting the hang of them, try increasing it to 25 or 30 (: If you keep at it, you will soon have a flat stomach.

Answer #6

to get a flatter stomach, its not just sit ups you have to do. You hahe to lose some of your overall body fat, since one of the thickest layers in the body are on the stomach.

Answer #7

thank you x

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