How To Jump Higher

im bout 5 feet 10 inches and i can get most of my fingers over the rim but i need a few extra inches to get the ball in, so wat are some excercises or tips that will help me jump higher.

Answer #1

Hey! I’m also 5 foot 10 and i can dunk a basketball. My favorite excersises are the heel raises. This is where you put your toes on a step (stairs) and you use this to raise your heels as they hang over the step. If you can work your way up to doing 200 of these staright every night, your verticle will be able to increase dramatically.

Also, I do squats every night, ( where you bend your legs to about a 90 degree angle and then stand back up.) but when I do the squats, I use and hold on to 25 lb (12KG) weights. But when you do this do just stand up slowly, focus all you power into standing up like youy are jumping.

Another tip to help you dunk a basketball is two do finger-tip pushups. Its just the same as a normal push-up but instead of the palm of your hands being flat on the ground, just the tips of your fingers should be touching. This will build finger strength and you will be able to palm the ball easier.

Good Luck!

Answer #2

i used to be in high jump and we did like leap frog thing just bend down like a frog and jump straight up and do like 3 sets of twenty it gets pretty hard on the 3rd set

Answer #3

Jump while weighting yourself down with dumb bells or strap weights. Just general Squat weight lifting, knee extension lifts, hang cling lift.

Answer #4

Increase your Vertical Jump By using The Jump Manual: It is The Most Comprehensive Vertical Jump Program. It is The only program that targets every facet of vertical explosion. Effectively training every aspect of vertical jump is the only way to maximize your vertical jump explosion. You can Add at least 10 Inches to your Vertical Jump. Guaranteed!!! The Jump Manual is a Ebook and the E-book includes videos, printable workouts, and pictures.

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