Questions & Answers

  1. What is the clear discharge on my underwear?
  2. Does brown stringy period discharge mean anything?
  3. What is the yellow crusty stuff around my lip ring?
  4. Period queston
  5. What are some songs for my playlist?
  6. Why don't guys look at me when I walk in the street?
  7. If I decided to change my Image?
  8. Whats this song called?
  9. Your thoughts on south park attack on kanye west?
  10. Is pains normal in early pregnancy?
  11. How do you curl your hair with a straightener?
  12. Is nair good to shave your vagina with?
  13. geometry question.
  14. What are some new hairstyle ideas?
  15. Cell phone memory card?
  16. still like her but shes got a boyfriend ?! (need girls opinion on this)
  17. can pigs and goats get along or together in the same lot
  18. self raising flour
  19. Is it bad that I sometimes cant control my emotions?
  20. What size retainer gauge do I need?
  21. If you masturbate are you a virgin still?
  22. How did I get pregnant?
  23. What are the chances of me being pregnant?
  24. What fits this description?
  25. Im worried about my sister, any suggestions?
  26. Why am I turned on by gay porn?
  27. Lip piercings how long will it take to close?
  28. Your favorite Eminem song?
  29. Why does this always happen to me?
  30. How would you like your marriage proposal to be?
  31. Is it right to flirt with a girl that's taken?
  32. Can I have sex without getting pregnant?
  33. Starting with a D# then going to an Eb?
  34. What should I say to my mom about this issue?
  35. What should I do about my parents splitting?
  36. Hairstyles for grade 9 ? =)
  37. I feel fat, what should I do?
  38. How do I get my mom off my back?
  39. appropriate for a 14 year old to wear makeup ?
  40. How can I get rid of this cold flu?
  41. What's a nice body type?
  42. New student in a new school as a freshman ! .. Help ?!
  43. Does this sound like a good car to you?
  44. has anyone heard of Vanilla Sky?
  45. Scariest Scary Movies?
  46. Should I send these kind of photos?
  47. What can I do about these arguments?
  48. Do you think I'm pregnant?
  49. My mom is protective about my body, what should I do?
  50. What is the legal age that you have be to work in toronto , ontario
  51. How can I shave down there without getting red bumps?
  52. How can I get more sleep during pregnancy?
  53. Where can I find long skirts in houston texas?
  54. Are there pills to make my hips and butt bigger?
  55. How can I get my mother off my back?
  56. I'm having full body pain, what could it be?
  57. Is skinny jeans popular where you are?
  58. Do condom machines sell different sizes?
  59. What are the symptoms of tonsillitis?
  60. Could this be a yeast infection?
  61. Why do so many people judge Miley Cyrus?
  62. Is it okay for my parents to be nudists?
  63. How can I look hot for school?
  64. Why does his personality change?
  65. How do you measure a dogs neck for a collar?
  66. Im having a baby, do you like these names ?
  67. Where can I watch movies online for free?
  68. How do you make those hearts while using the keyboard?
  69. What is a dental dam?
  70. How do people actually let themselves go into depression?
  71. How can I get my mom to let me join the gym?
  72. Why do people get bruises?
  73. Has anyone here have/had or know about deviantart?
  74. Can I bath with my family members?
  75. what is this dangerous, invisible chemical??
  76. Does clearasil really work?
  77. How long does it take to get rid of ear mites?
  78. How can I pass time without tv or a computer?
  79. How can I keep my hair knot-free?
  80. what should I do if my sister doesn't take care of her dog?
  81. how do I connect my xbox360 to the computer?
  82. how do I get rid of really red and irritated acne?
  83. How to get a tan?
  84. What are some unique names?
  85. Do you like my rap?
  86. Why do people use me?
  87. Is a jaffa cake a cake or a biscuit?
  88. My best friend is off to high school, what should I do?
  89. How can I clear my name without being made fun of?
  90. What are ways to get along with my parents?
  91. How would you present yourself at a job interview?
  92. What are the really good alternative and/or rock bands?
  93. Why wont my ex text me back?
  94. What are the different thoughts of sex at age 15?
  95. How do I get a girl to like me
  96. Is my boob size okay?
  97. How can I let it go and work on trusting him?
  98. Dont you think it's crazy that lil wayne has tow people pregnant?
  99. what's going on with my son...?
  100. can I hear canadas news if im in the states?