Could this be a yeast infection?

about a week aqo me and my boyfriend had sex for the 1st time about a day later I qot some itchiness down there it wasnt unbarable but it was uncomfortable 1st I thouqht it culd of been an std but we did use a condom about 3 days later the itch kinda went away now I only have a burninq sensation when iqo pee && a little bit of discharqe with no weird odor..culd this be a yeast infection??

ihave never had 1 before && culd I’ve qotten this from him??

Answer #1

Yes this could be one. because those are some symtoms.

buring sensation when urinating itching & irritated feeling. white discharge that can or may have a sour smell && soreness and swollen

you need to either get the medicine from the store to treat yeast infections & if that doesnt work , go to the doctor & dont mess around with your boyfriend while you have it , youll regret it & dont tell him why. just tell him it hurts .

Answer #2

go see your doctor RIGHT AWAY!!!

Answer #3

Could be a bladder infection or genital herpes (which you can get even if you use a condom)

Answer #4

He either wasn’t clean or you could be allergic 2 the comdom

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