Questions & Answers

  1. Torn in half
  2. Big Fish movie - what makes him a good storyteller?
  3. How does my sister lose weight? Please Help
  4. finding jeans
  5. What is it like to go through a custody battle?
  6. My laptop has viruses all in it
  7. what is restpite care.??? please help!
  8. who here is double jointed in the leg?
  9. Ex boyfriend.
  10. Would I sound too desperate?
  11. what does it mean when someone says curiosity killed the cat?
  12. what does it mean when soemone says you havn't got a leg to stand o
  13. I want to lose 20 punds before june 1st ideas?
  14. Has anyone seen the film The Brood?
  15. Just stopped taking noriday when should my periods come back
  16. What are two words that describe dimitri mendeleev
  17. How do you become a good strategist
  18. im not sure weather to like whoop her azz
  19. Good tips for motivating myself?
  20. Good quotes?
  21. How to make my self get taller
  22. ~Tea and Coffie Creamer~
  23. Limping dog =(
  24. Math Advice
  25. Math students
  26. Wtf?I need good math students lol :)
  27. I had my period 4 days after I just got off.
  28. WWE Entrance Music
  29. How do I report a gas pump
  30. What are fundamental frequencys?
  31. Does this guy like me and what should I do if he does?
  32. by boyfriend and his penis...
  33. What can she do that will get him to call her more often?
  34. Committing suicide
  35. What is true love?
  36. Orange Oil poop stuff.
  37. What is the most romantic thing to ssay to my girlfriend in a text
  38. How long to cook turkey
  39. Is the world better today or 50 years ago?
  40. Why do scientist use the scientific method
  41. I miss him so bad
  42. False eyelashes
  43. Why does your own family hurt you like your nothing
  44. Can I have my eyebrow pirced at 14, can I take it out everyday
  45. My dog has kennel cough and I've given him the meds f
  46. Curly hair problem
  47. Broken leg
  48. Wht can I get my boyfriend for his 17th bday?
  49. I straightened my hair last night but its all dry and smells funny
  50. Egyptian magic powers?
  51. The whipped cream doesnt work!
  52. Skating 101?
  53. Any good recommend. For a great book club pick? Ages from 42 to 72
  54. how do you find the slope of a triangle?
  55. Side effects of too much chlorine in the pool?
  56. How can I convince ma mum for this game
  57. Pregnancy Information
  58. Large and tender
  59. What to get for them?
  60. What is the function of the leaf and red blood cells?
  61. He is going to perform an abortion?
  62. Period After Sex
  63. How to get friend out of house for surprise party?
  64. Bald sexy?
  65. Help with beauty pagent!! Pretty please??
  66. Diamond grading report?
  67. Whattcha think of my short story?
  68. Whats wrong with the sound on my advent laptop?
  69. Love of my life, you've hurt me
  70. How to get rid of nits
  71. How to use lock in treatment?
  72. Nose stud infection
  73. Who is most likely the father of my baby?
  74. I have no confidence
  75. Should I start smoking?
  76. How much will it cost for me to drop an album?
  77. Not wearing a bra
  78. School appearance :(
  79. should I shave my head bald for school?
  80. aluminous pink in braces?
  81. how to get your skin clear within a day ?
  82. Should I get diamonds in my braces?
  83. Can you still hurt??
  84. I hate sleepovers!?!?!?!
  85. Simpsons
  86. How do you know if your physic? Who can tell me???
  87. Whats your faviourtie songs and bands or artists?
  88. Social cricist!!!
  89. Pay or use the warranty?
  90. Were can I get this song from ?
  91. I think I love her
  92. is anyone going to the first live show of x factor?
  93. Advice me on how to grow hairs on my legs
  94. Volleyball ideas
  95. Sleep Walking
  96. Jaffas or Nobs?
  97. Is it normal for me to watch 30 minutes of televisions daily?
  98. How do you qualify to sell guns?
  99. I want a baby , mature responses please
  100. To get mum off my back