Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Is this my fault?
  2. Any advice on trying to make new friends?
  3. How can you love Two Ladies at the same time?
  4. What and how do you get horny ?
  5. He's annoying please help
  6. should I do it?
  7. My dad raped me when I was younger
  8. girl I like complication
  9. whats more pleasureable for females length or girth?
  10. So I like this guy
  11. how do I get my female 2 let me do anal???
  12. Eating Out My Girlfriend
  13. hate/love
  14. How do I get girls to notice me ?
  15. money makes family fight
  16. im used to having someone to tlk to
  17. Fighitng - please help anybody.
  18. Is there anything more important than love?
  19. what should I do?
  20. signs of pregancy
  21. fingers and virgin
  22. promblemmm!!
  23. my 12 year old brother is always crying
  24. Getting a girl friend when im fat
  25. What's different?
  26. I need help getting this girl to like me!
  27. I need to get over her
  28. How do you kiss a guy??
  29. Would she ever go out with me
  30. Why is my boyfriend acting weird?
  31. I like this girl at school
  32. how do I mke guys like me
  33. which one
  34. child abuse! help me
  35. How do you finger a girl, and how do you get her wet?
  36. Did I jack him off?
  37. Whats the position for eatinq out?
  38. How is this possible?
  39. Am I gay
  40. She wants us to be just friends
  41. Making Him Feel Horny
  42. A friend makes a good wife
  43. Have a man but intrested in others
  44. 1 year aniversary ideas?
  45. How do I advice my friends?
  46. What do you think about a girl that has freckles
  47. Okay im cerious what you think...quetions
  48. in love with my cousins boyfriend
  49. How did your first kiss happen?
  50. Hard to talk to people
  51. What was your first time like(for boys and girls)
  52. Why is he ignoring me?
  53. How can I get a girlfriend
  54. How do I tell him I have a boyfriend?
  55. Should I be freaked out that he wants to marry me?
  56. How can I make my second date better?
  57. How can I get him to like me for me?
  58. How can I ask out one of my best guy friends?
  59. How do I get a boyfriend?
  60. How can I get my friends off my back?
  61. How to open up to my boyfriend?
  62. How can you mend a broken a heart?
  63. Should we do "it" or should we break up?
  64. How to lick her out ?
  65. Does it sound like I like him?
  66. I get bullied at school, what should I do?
  67. How can I deal with losing my boyfriend?
  68. How far should they go?
  69. How can I get over her?
  70. What does it mean when a guy wants to whisper in your ear?
  71. Should I go out with him?
  72. Im willing to waitt. Is that unreallistic?
  73. Guys, what do think of what girls wear?
  74. My boyfriend wants me naked, what should I do?
  75. I'm horny, help!
  76. Kissing advice
  77. Should I just wait till we spend more time together?
  78. Guys, where do you like to be touched?
  79. What are some dirty truth or dares?
  80. How can I be a better girlfriend
  81. How to increase "load size"
  82. Different ways to mastubate?
  83. Why do guys always walk passed me and don't even check me out?
  84. How can he get to know me better?
  85. Whats anal like?
  86. What do you think of this plan to make my ex jealous?
  87. My bestfriend and I like the same girl, what do I do?
  88. How do I catch a cheating girlfriend?
  89. How to tell someone you have feelings for them?
  90. Ever felt jealous of a boy or girl?
  91. Why do girls want gay friends?
  92. How do I meet guys?
  93. How do I get him to forget about her and ask me out?
  94. What to say to my boyfriend after making out?
  95. Should I continue to date people outside my state?
  96. I feel like I have no friends, what do I do?
  97. How will he touch me and how should I touch him?
  98. How can I make it up to my best friend?
  99. Do guys care if our legs are big?
  100. I like him he likes me but dates someone else