Does it sound like I like him?

I have a friend where like bestfriends, and I don’t know if what we do is flirting or not ?! Everyone is always sayinqg where qonna be high-school sweethearts sometimes I smile but sometimes I don’t ? Whre always like playing around and like I quess holdinnqg handss ? And at the beqgininqg I Liked him a little then this summer it went away butt like everytime he talks about a different qirll I kinda get mad or jelouse [ I d k the diffrence ] and like sometimes I get butterfly’sz when I see himm , but Thinking of me himm together dosn’t like make me smile? I’ve had 1 real boyfriend, like the qoingq out together, hanginqg out 24/7 thinqg and I’ve had other boyfriends too , but im justt not shure if I likee himm ? Does it sound like I do ? What are ways to stop actinqg like I doo ?

Answer #1

you do like him, and when you like someone you should go after them before tey slip away from you, and then you feel worse than you ever have felt before

Answer #2

I was in this EXACT situation, tust me go out with him, the guy that I had this problem with I’ve been going out ith him for a YEAR and it only gets better! you two alrdy have a great connection so yu can talk about anything and itll be just so great trust me on this! go for it!! (: I wasnt sue if I liked him for a whillleee but I decided to try it and omg im so happy I did! jsut do it and youll have the best time ever! and prbly even marry him! I know im going to marry mine (:

Answer #3

pretty much

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