Is this my fault?

Well my boyf was at college today, and he rang me around 12ish and I said too him ‘have you spoke too any girls today’ he said no not really, and then I said what do you mean not really, you either have or you aint, and he was like well I was sat next too this girl in ict and she added herself onto my facebook, I was like so why didnt you delete her? And he said because she’s a mate, then I said well if you dont delete her then its over between me and you because he promised me he wouldn’t add any girls in 4-5 months because he knows how worried I get because I’ve been cheated on all my life, and he knows im even more worried when hes at college, but no he wouldn’t delete her, I was crying in the middle of town for nearly an hour, he said he didnt care hes guna add who he wants and all this, so I said okay keep her but I dont want you winking at her or anything, he said okay, so that was all sorted, then he told me he spoke to some girl last week and was talking to her the whole lesson about me, saying I control him I dont let him do anything, I asked him did he speak 2 any girls, he said no, but then I got home because I was in town at the time, and the girl that added herself from the ict clas she accepted him, and then I added her, just to be friendly to see what shes like and that, then I told him and he went mental, he was shouting and swearing saying oh im guna add al your girl mates now and all this, saying oh you ruin my life you never let me have friends, your guna make her hate me, I said 2 him I was like you aint hiding nothing so why cant I add her, and he just said oh I want you out my life its over dont speak too me again and hung up, now his phones off and its over between me and him, we’ve been together nearly 15 months and he chucked it away because I added one of his girl mates hes known less than a week.

I have got told oh I’ve gotta let him talk to girls and that, and I do he can talk to them, add them, the lot, but he promised he wouldn’t for itleast 4-5 months because he knows how worried I am, I’ve sat there and cryed my eyes out, all the time infront of him, begging him not 2 hurt me so he knows how worried I am, its just the fact I added her to be friendly and he doesnt like it and has finished me because of it? Is this my fault, I duno what to do anymore?

Answer #1

You have to stop punishing him for the things your past boyfriends did to you - it’s not fair to him.

By telling him he isn’t allowed to talk to girls and then grilling him about it, you’re controlling him, and that’s not what makes a relationship works. You need to work on your own problems or you’ll never be able to keep a man.

Answer #2

you have just ruined your relationship by being so obsessively clingy to the guy, sweet heart, trust makes or breaks a relationship and the two hour crying guilt trip you put the guy through won’t gain you sympathy just pity, I don’t know why girls even do that, I mean there’s nothing wrong with a few tears emotionally, but there is something wrong with pouring your heart out as a subliminal weapon against the guy. is he gay? is he suppose to only have male friends? that’s crazy and I my self could not stay in a relationship where the girl is being so clingy and physcho sorry to say. give the guy some room and stop trying to run his life to ruins over unnecessary jealousy. you’ll loose him and them be in the same position you’re in now, asking questions that you already know the answers to.

btw no offense and p.s. I’m a girl

Answer #3

Just give things a break for a while maybe. It will be hard not to talk to him straighht away and hammer him with messages but if you both have time to breathe tings will seem clearer. I think you should apoligise and let him be friends with girls because there cant be any double standards in a relationship. For example everyone gets jealous but you have to remember if you talk to a guy on facebook and put xxx at the end it is just a polite ending so if your boyfriend does it thats all it is he doesnt fancy them. You might be scared of getting hurt but after 15 months the trust should be there because in a relationship both people can hurt and be cheated on.

Answer #4

yes, its completely your fault, no offence…

but guys, actually let me re-prase that, people, dont like clingy obsessive lovers!! you cant tell him he cant be friends with someone?? why would you hold back someone you love?

this is your trust issue, not his… im sorry you have been hurt before, but not every guy you meet will be like that…

love depends on trust, you shouldnt be with someone you think you cant trust anyway…

Answer #5

Is this my fault?

Yep. Its not HIS fault you’ve been cheated on all your life. But it WILL be YOUR fault if he dumps you, because you’re punishing him for the actions of other people. You’re also acting kinda psycho… which is a good way of ruining the relationship.

Answer #6

I completely agree with the two comments above, sorry babe but its definately your fault…

Answer #7

yep…you ruined it.

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