How do I tell him I have a boyfriend?

So Imma Freshmen. and theres this guy I just met. I kinda figured he liked me bc I would be wlking down the hallway and he would smile at me. that went on fr 2 weeks. I was wlking and saw him. I was about to pass him and well I guess the floor was wet so… I trip. he stopped helped me up, carried my books and walked me to class. we became friends. his name is “Sparky” Hes a Junior and hes really popular. BUT— I have a boyfriend. and don’t know how to tell Sparky. I sorta like him too. hes really sweet. well my friend lives next to him and Sparky told her he likes me. He doesnt know I know. I don’t want to hurt Sparky. But I don’t want to hurt my boyfriend. help?? thanks if yu do:]

Answer #1

Just explain to him that you already have a boyfriend, but you are perfectly cool with just being friends because you think he’s a really nice, sweet guy.

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