girl I like complication

I got rejected by a girl so I moved on a month later the new girl I like (my good friend) is rejected by who she likes what should I do?

Answer #1

Be there for her and tell her that you always have her back no matter what(this will catch her eye) Tell her that the guy that rejected her is missing out on what a beautiful girl she is(again will catch her eye)…Start texting her and flirting but dont flirt to much cause remember she dont know you like her so take it easy flirting like asking her if she needs help with anything umm leave her cute messages to wake up to etc. dont go all big and send her flowers and stuff you ahve to wait on that. and don’t text her 24/7 most girls hate it it will make her think your annoying… after a week or 2 IN PERSON ask her if you could talk to her about something tell her how you truly feel and that you like her…And if she rejects you then still be her friend cause only god knows you might have another shot down the road.

                                               Hope I helped, Much Love,
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