Questions & Answers

  1. How am I supposed to know how a guy feels about me if he's giving me mixed signals?
  2. Why are the people at my little sis's school calling their graduation from elem advancment?
  3. who thinks its wrong to date through internet??
  4. What does this mean ? A guy used to like fingered me then said I was thick , what does that mean? In reference to my vagina
  5. Who can help me with my story?
  6. Who else hates people who only think about themselves when it comes to feelings?
  7. How big is jones beach theater in wantagh new york?
  8. Does Proactive or SkinID Work?
  9. who...... does anyone now if i write on justin biebers facebook wall is he able to read it?
  10. Whats a good name for a puppy?
  11. why does it bleed?
  12. How far are you from your birthplace? I was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico but live in North Carolina.
  13. What song should i sing?
  14. what are some ways i can get my hair to groow thicker naturally?
  15. Why do all The attactive men, have to me Taken, Homosexual or not intrested ?
  16. is it okay for a guy to nit pick at his girlfriends clothes all the time?
  17. what should me & my friend do when we hang out in a bit ?
  18. where can i find a website with free phone number/people search?
  19. What are some great action movies?
  20. should i eat chipotle or panera right now???
  21. How do i pack stuff in a quicker way?
  22. Which one would you guys prefer: Facebook or MySpace ?
  23. Why do I feel it's the right thing to tell Frankie a big HELL NO when he finally ask me out?
  24. Who loves anime? If you do lets play a game a keep the list of anime going. I want to see how long we can make the list. I'll start with Dragonball Z.
  25. Who loves DBZ [Dragonball Z]?
  26. Why does a girl just stop loving you after nearly 4 years together?
  27. can you get mono from sharing a drink.?
  28. Who can explain this to me: Theres no smoke without a fire?
  29. Do you think males are more sexual than females?
  30. Do you think we should have a section on funadvice where we recommend movies to watch this weekend?
  31. how do i get rid of a stalker??
  32. do you think top sport stars earn far too much money from sport?
  33. What happened to MysteryGoogle???
  34. Who knows that game where you try to get one result of something when you type something in in google?
  35. Should little children be fingerprinted to check out library books?
  36. How much time does it take between when a movie is released in theaters to when it comes out on itunes?
  37. What are those people called that study dreams?
  38. Should we go with the HP Slate ?
  39. What is wrong with my skin??
  40. Would you agree that the iPad 3G is a good tablet to buy?
  41. is there a good promotional code for your whole order on amazon?
  42. What are good Vegetarian recipes,that are quick and easy?
  43. Do you need a high school dimploma to attend a community college?
  44. what bred would my cat be(bubba)?
  45. Where can I get a cheap exact replica of the bottle cap necklace in confessions of a teenage drama queen?
  46. what do you think of girls skateing?
  47. Is it ok for a young teenager to look at porn?
  48. Who is your favorite commediian?
  49. What would Your Reaction To This Be (guys) ?
  50. how do i send pics to another computer?
  51. Are there any code words for "chill"? Are they sexual? general? normal?negative? connotations?
  52. Is it a turn off, if a gal calls and arranges a time as well as day for the dude to hang out?
  53. whats a cute nickname i can give my friend tanner?
  54. Who knows some good piercing sites with videos and picutres!?
  55. What website has the Japanese sue games in English?
  56. Why is my cat jealous of his kittens?
  57. What are some really good shaving creams that work really well?
  58. why sence i used a ouija board i have bad luck my girl droped me i failed tests i always get hurt by accident ?
  59. Does it matter whether you use shaving cream or soap when you shave your legs?
  60. Are guys intimidated by a girl that dances really well?
  61. What are some great ways for a girl to masterbate?
  62. Which is better for shaving your legs? Soap or shaving cream?
  63. Does he even know how bad it hurts to talk to him?
  64. how do you change your picture? either im retarded or this has gotten harder?
  65. Is giving a guy oralsex good as you girls make it look?
  66. How do i keep a really healthy, good, close relationship with my boy-friend?
  67. How am I supposed to marry a boy if he has high standards and doesnt allow drugs or alcohol because he is mormon, and i'm different and wanna experience things?
  68. How come in movies it's so cute when people fall in love after one week?
  69. Why would a guy's cum taste ashy?
  70. How Do You Play 'Contentration' with drinks? I Heard You Play It With Beer, But I Wanna Play It With Water With My BFFS
  71. why do i have tiny red dots on my legs (not pimples ir irritation its MY SKIN) ive had this for years and im really wondering why is it because im pale ?
  72. Why is it acceptable for males to have sex with other females, but not acceptable for females to have sex with other males?
  73. How can i stop caring about stuff like this??
  74. Is it better to be feared than loved?
  75. Why are females so darn condescending?
  76. whats your favorite band in these genres Classic Rock, Psychedelic, Metal?
  77. Where can i get a jumper like the one in Taking Woodstock?
  78. what is the best kinda wax to use when waxing your, well, lower areas?
  79. Where can I buy nutcracker bottles?
  80. Why is everyone dying? :( Paul Grey #2 <3
  81. what are your chances of getting pregnant without using protection & the guy cuming inside of you?
  82. What in the world? Animal cruelty or not? I imagine they did it under anesthesia.
  83. how many people have a facebook?
  84. What celebrtiy couples are engaged?
  85. What can I use? Ok I use my lipgloss to masterbate but I want something longer. What can I use. And I can't buy anything. Thanks
  86. Who thinks that italian and turkish guys are the hottest :)?
  87. What to do if ur dad wont let u ride ur bike on the frigin road?
  88. How pathetic is this??
  89. What should I wear to babysit in?
  90. Is there any hair products that you can use daily to temporarily straighten your hair besides gels?
  91. How can you look good with wearing a long skirt?
  92. What is remarketing?
  93. whats some good music to pump u up??
  94. Where can I find online writing skills school?
  95. Why are so many people posting unfinished questions?
  96. is it normal for the labret disk to be a angled? the outside stud is straight and the disk doesn't touch my gum or teeth. I was just wondering
  97. What happened to the groups?
  98. What are your views on the illuminati?
  99. Is it true that guys lose respect for girls that have sex with them the third time that they hang out?
  100. What do guys really mean when they say "Let's hang out soon"?