Who can help me with my story?

A guy slept with a girl then left because he only wanted to sleep with her. The guy see’s the girl kissing another guy and gets jealous. What is something d.o.u.c.h.e.y he could say to the girl?

Answer #1

douchey?? lol.. why would he want to say anything douchy to her, when he only used her in the first place for sex?? but ovbiouslyyyyy he fell in love with her in the end.. i mean if he sees her kissn someone else and get furious.. then hes got some feelns for her, its more than a one night stand

Answer #2

well…he likes to think it was a one night stand. but he has feelings for her but he is a jerk and always will be so he would say something douchy to her

Answer #3

I think the point of writing a story should be because you had come up with it. I also write, and I know I wouldn’t ask people to throw in some dialogue and plot just because, I the author, couldn’t come up with it myself. You as the author should know your characters more then we do, and you should be able to create the dialogue and if not then maybe you need to go back and restructure your character traits to make it easier.

Answer #4

thing is, i’ve been thinking and thinking but theres nothing for him to say that comes to mind

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