Questions & Answers

  1. How can someone ignore people and their stupid idiotic comments?
  2. Who knows how much Walmart starts off paying?
  3. how can we forget some one we realy loved and go on happy in our life?
  4. why are men so complicated?
  5. is it true that if the guys dick is big, better sex?
  6. What do I wear to a fraternity social?
  7. Are cougar moms hot or not?
  8. How can I upgrade the Media control driver for Windows XP?
  9. which is thhe strongest antivirus?
  10. Does anyone like The secret life of the american teenager?? I know I do lolz XD
  11. How do you win back your boyfriend if you are on a break?
  12. Who Has Seen The Movie August Rush?I <3 Dat Movie.
  13. How can you search for a specific username on FunAdvice?
  14. Should I take a picture of my hair style so you guyz could tell me what u think??
  15. when I turn on my computer it works fine but like in 5 minutes it turns of by itself & it beeps about four times and it shuts down .what should I do?
  16. Does Anyone Know Really Good editing softwares that I can download for editing videos??
  17. Who heard that the BP oil spill has hit the coast of Florida?
  18. why would a weed smoker of 6 years straight start having panic attacks everytime ??????
  19. Does Emma Watson from the Harry Potter movies have a problem with Black Americans and is she a racist against them?
  20. does it hurt the girl when u fuck her ass?
  21. What should i wear when i meet david Archuleta for a book signing?
  22. how do i get the"save this film" achievement on halo 3?
  23. How do you talk your mom, (who thinks piercings in the face are discusting), into letting you get snakebites and your nostril done?
  24. Who got to see in person (or read about ) Falcon 9 launching into space?
  25. what are ways over the summe ri can prepare for highschool ? like both phsically and emotionally ?
  26. How do I ride a four-track?
  27. What would you choose if you could only eat one food for the rest of your life?
  28. what do guys around the age of 13 or 14 find attractive in a girl?
  29. where i agoodn place to find answers for a wordsearch,sudoku, and a crossword puzzle?
  30. What website can I read The DMC manga code 2: Vergil?
  31. What to do with my brother? I usually get super pissed at him and scratch him or pressure point him, how can I control myself?
  32. How should I ask my girl friend to let me finger her????
  33. Are there any specific vegetables/fruits recommended as home remedy for kidney stones?
  34. where is a good place to get yor hair dyed?
  35. How many of you on here are introverts?
  36. How can i get my bf to undress me? Just a little fantisy lol
  37. What's a good hairstyle for medium length curly hair?
  38. how to play hard to get with out a cell phone?
  39. How should I get my hair cut if it's medium length and has bangs? I'm open to color?
  40. What should I do with my hair for prom? I have long, curly, brown hair with side-swept bangs.
  41. Where could I find this certain ring I'm looking for?
  42. What is the best type of wine??
  43. Does anyone know some sex techniques i can give my girlfriend?
  44. Who Is Looking Silly Now?
  45. where can i find out what level defcon is at?
  46. is there anyway to get rid of bedbugs?
  47. are there never going to be anymore groups on here then? there's not even a tab anymore...
  48. should I ask him out online?
  49. how do you get to know some one when you are extremely shy?
  50. How to install ultrasurf in ubuntu??
  51. are there videos for ice skating levels in UK?
  52. What are the pros and cons of a younger girl dating a guy 4 years older ?
  53. who thinks that dating friends they've known for a long time is ok and safe?
  54. How will the points effect people whp aren't from the US?
  55. Does anyone here watch the Seinfield re-runs?
  56. What are three examples of symbolism in The Lord of the Flies?
  57. So I was wondering guys , what was the most stupidest thing you did as a child?
  58. Is home school as educational as going to a real school or is it better?
  59. what is the best thing to wear with a black tank top?
  60. What can I do about this situation?
  61. How can i get her to be my girlfriend ?
  62. Why can't I even get onto a game in roblox anymore?
  63. How can you download Skydur lite?
  64. Are there any risks of skin cancer with plastic surgery of simple marks on body?
  65. did Mark Hoppus attend college?
  66. is toy soldiers by matika(or watevr her name is) a good song to sing for a talent show for 7th and 8th graders?
  67. How much do I need to keep an account at Wells Fargo open?
  68. how can i loose 7lbs in 2 weeks; im addicted to food and ove tried to go on diets and always fail withinn 3 days,help?
  69. How do I deal with my mom, dad, and little sister that don't like my girlfriend?
  70. Why do I suddenly need more sleep?
  71. Does going to psycologists actually help?
  72. What do you think My friend should drink or take he is very skinny and he wants to gain some weight or some muscle ??
  73. Where can I find a backpack for school that is unique?
  74. With voodoo dolls can you use any doll or does it have to be sepicily made?
  75. What do you all thing of a nearly 17 year old with a 21 year old ?
  76. What is the best Italian Recipes to make?
  77. How do you know if you've popped your cherry?
  78. What color would go well with white and denim?
  79. how could yuh get unhigh?.
  80. how do u tell if one of ur guy friends likes you but ur not sure how to figure it out and see if it is true?
  81. How do i get my photography out there?
  82. Does my best friend like me?
  83. How many hours will i have to swim this summer to get a thin body, like toned not anerexic?
  84. What are some unique phrases where you live?
  85. Where can I find a dress like the ones described in the book Star Girl that ARE NOT strapless!?
  86. Do you think medication like SSRI's are over prescribed?
  87. Which program do you use to download/sync music into your ipod?
  88. How much is a longboard?
  89. Who knows why Abraham Lincoln grew his beard?!
  90. What do you do when your parents don't allow you to date?
  91. How about this then?PLX help me solve this!!
  92. what would u do if the guy u think is cute...didnt kno u but wanted to get to kno u ...but u were really shy...? HELP!
  93. Is it stupid, to be this young and already found your soulmate, someone you wanna be with for the rest of your life?
  94. how can i make homemade braces?
  95. Can anyone show me how to do solving systems by substitution?
  96. Is there anything wrong with datin a black guy?(not tht i do just askin)
  97. who agrees with me that sailor moon should continue and that its really sad at the end? also, what happenes in the last show?
  98. why do girls are chubby call other girls fat???
  99. Do girls 13-17 masturbate?
  100. Does anyone here know of any places were friends can take their cars to go hang out?