How do you know if you've popped your cherry?

Answer #1

I’m pretty sure it bleeds… Sorry I don’t really knoe

Answer #2

ok. it’s alright.

Answer #3

It really is hard to tell because it can be done so easily. But one sign woud be bleeding, but of course, it could have easily already been “popped”

Answer #4

Most people I know pop it without knowing just during daily life– like horse riding and stuff like that.

Answer #5


Answer #6

true, thank you.

Answer #7

You wont BLEED u spot and its kinda light but i guess it depends on the person

Answer #8

You cannot really tell.

The reason is, some girls do not have a hymen (born without it or it is very small), others get it torn by every day activities i.e. inserting a tampon, horse riding.

Also not all women bleed or spot when having sex the first time or when it gets torn. For me there was a LOT of blood, other girls have pain and then no blood at all.

Answer #9

usually when a girl gets her cherry popped, she will experience pain, and there may be a little bit of blood. now, this varies based on the girl, and like other people have said if the girl is active in the world it could be popped during everyday activities. but if it is popped during sex, there will most likely be pain for a while, and there may be a bit of blood no glove, no love

Answer #10

yes it does bleed but some girls dont have one so if u dont that doesn mean ur not a virgin. U can also “pop ur cherry” from sports.

Answer #11

its hard to know for sure. not all girls bleed. the little skin tears but u might not even feel it, but u might also

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