Questions & Answers

  1. What can I give my mother and my boyfriends mother as a special gift before our baby is born?
  2. What age do most girls start fingurin themselves..?
  3. What is a good prank that I can do to my neighbors house?
  4. What is the best outfit for us girls to wear during the Summer?
  5. where was eazy e buried?
  6. Why do guys even if i'm not dating them always ask me for naked pics and they don't ask any other girl even there girlfriends?
  7. what do people do once they are online?
  8. it bad that i have a MAJOR crush on someone who i am distantly related to??
  9. Is the Sony cybershot DSC- W320 any goood?
  10. How do i cheer my sister up?
  11. How ? my bf just hurt his leg ... i wanna exccite him and make him happy when i see him any ideas??
  12. Do men like to lay in bed with a girl with a bra on or no bra?..
  13. How do I stop my best friend from becoming a whore?
  14. Would you rather get hugs or kisses from your crush?
  15. Is it a good thing to wash your every single day?
  16. what kind of brand for protecting your hair when straightinin hair should you use.that isnt that expensive.?
  17. what is eminems mums name??
  18. How do I get rid of this fungus(?) on crushed rock/cement?
  19. What is the name of the animal that no-one know what it evolved from/ what classification group to put it in???
  20. how do i gauge up my ears if i have 2 gauges in each ear?
  21. How many times in a day can you masturbate before it becomes to much?
  22. What gets rid of strong muscle pain in my arm?
  23. What jobs have you had in the past, what job do you currently have, and what is your dream job?
  24. Why do cramps hurt so much? How can i deal with them and make sure i dont have mood swings?
  25. Why can't I eat?
  26. Why is it so hard for guys to talk about their feelings to their girlfriends?
  27. How long should i date my boyfriend before thinking about sex?
  28. How do i get more virtual memory?
  29. What episodes have played on buffy fan fave on logo?
  30. how can i deal with her ?
  31. How can i tell if my boy friend has had sex? I asked him and he got mad at me and said "ya do u think i don't know how to have sex". So how can i tell?
  32. how can i deal with her ? she is playing my heart out help i really need help ?
  33. Is there a flu that strikes suddenly and goes away extremely fast?
  34. Thanks for coming into my list. Can I ask you a question. Maybe I can solve it for you. What causes you to be stressed out?
  35. how do i get my parents approval?
  36. What are some not so common signs of cheating if you are long distance?
  37. what do i doo i think my boyfriend is cheatin on me i have heard alot of rumours how do i find out if he is? how do i get the truth? someone please help me :(
  38. What's the best way for a teenager to spend summer on low budget, and some fun crazy things ?
  39. What should I do when my baby goat has a bad rear leg?
  40. is it all in my head?
  43. Why do i always gain the most weight on one part of my body?
  44. Do guys prefer their ladies all fake with fake boobs, fake butt cheeks, fake nose, fake lips....etc... or all 110% natural?
  45. would you ever get a liposuction or breast implants?
  46. Are there any other ways besides spray repellent to prevent mosquito bites? and having the windows closed....doesn't count as one!
  47. Do you believe that you should go out there and find love yourself, or that love would come and find you?
  48. What importance do you find teaching young children?
  49. how much space... please answer?
  50. How come my ex-boyfriend won't leave me alone even though he broke up with me ?
  51. While Obama is looking for "who's butt to kick" over the oil spill, why isn't he arresting some executives?
  52. Which according to you is the best multiplayer game (virtual world) and why?
  53. How much does each country have to pay to get into the world cup?
  54. Whats going moms boyfriend is flirting with me, and i think he wants to you know, do it?
  55. why, i am really wet right now, and i cant do anything about it, my family is here so i don't have a place to myself.......please help!!!!?
  56. Is there a way to not get emailed everytime someone does something on funadvice?
  57. what shall i do, shall i stay with him and be happy or dumb him and let her be happy with him?
  58. why is it that when skaters skate and theres a newbee round they call umm POSER??
  59. Can either time or space exist without the other?
  60. What are some good free video-making programs for beginners and teens?
  62. what should i do, there is this guy that i really like but my parents dont approve?
  63. is permantly straighting your hair bad?
  64. When is a good time to let my boyfriend know i want to do more?
  65. What are cute messy looking hairstyles?
  66. Why wont my well i guess i could call him my bf sorta but anyways why wont he let me give him head????
  67. What do I do if my boyfriend is cheating?
  68. How can I get a clean shave down by my vag?
  69. What do i do? I had a sexual inter course with my girlfriend and she started bleeding?
  70. What is the best and also cheap DriversEd program that i could take online?
  71. What are some current issues you can inform me of so I can make some last minute studying to ease my anxiety for the act writing test?
  72. is it normal for me to feel jealous when my bf chills with his other friends?
  73. Which organism replaces the energy lost in the enrgy pyramid?
  74. Which one do you prefer vampires or zombies?
  75. Is wearing a contacts good or bad?
  76. Is there a big problem if you have period that comes so little but still come for 4-5 days?
  77. If a movie is rated R, does that mean an adult has to get the tickets OR an adult has to see it with you?
  78. which one you like better? Ring or necklace?
  79. What are some things u could do on the last day of class?
  80. what are some flirty/cute things to do to the guy you like?
  81. Does anyone know a strict, but yummy 6 meal diet plan for me to build lean muscle?
  82. who would u date "laddy gaga or katy perry??"
  83. Who do you think is going to win the World Cup?
  84. could taking an overdose of advils have side effects?
  85. Which would you rather be Vampire or Wizard?
  86. How to confront my boyfriend asking him if he is cheating on me?
  87. How should I wear my hair to this amusement park?
  88. What's the first thing on your mind when you wake up?
  89. How can i give him hints that i have a crush on him....?
  90. Did Michael Jackson actually bleached his whole skin.... or what happened?
  91. Who do like better Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee?
  92. How much do you think it will cost to get into the Harry Potter theme park in Orlando?
  93. what happens if you take 'the pill' for the first time not on the day of your period and just a random day?
  94. Can you use a piercing gun for a monroe piercing?
  95. How do i deal with my younger brothers?
  96. What's your vote: this 5500 year old shoe, or today's Prada styles?
  97. Can somebody explain to me the Robert Pattinson obsession?
  98. what do you think of the new Karate Kid movie?
  99. Are guys self concious when their voices squeak and stuff???
  100. What is this growing on the tree in my friend's yard?