Who knows how to workout your upper body help?

I’m trying to get muscle in my abbs arms and chest. If you know any exercises I can do in my room please tell me tips and so on. I have 2 dumbells 25 pds. And a curl bar with 15 pound plates. Thats about all if you know exercises I can do with those or without them help. How often can I do them what should I do,how should I do it anything would help how many cups of water should I consume daily. I’m 15 years old 5 5 155 pounds

Answer #1

for arms do concentrated curls …also do some skull crunchers for your triceps…for chest do some dumbbell butterflies youll need a bench or something to lay down on and push ups …and for abs just situps and diet…

Answer #2

Incline dumbbell presses, Standing barbell curls, Incline dumbbell curls, Lying overhead triceps extensions, Single-arm seated overhead triceps extensions, Flat bench triceps dips, Flat dumbbell presses, Incline dumbbell flyes.

Answer #3

Push ups. Pull ups. Weight lifting? Lots of water I’d assume.

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