exercise any idea for the upper body??

on one of my recent question someone told me to exercise to let go anger I like that idea I dont know where to start at tho I would really like to get a bigger upper body I walk to school everyday it take 45 min to get there so that exercise for my legs. any idea for the upper body??

Answer #1

I rather do it at home ^^

Answer #2

You could take up boxing, or go to the gym and let your anger out on the punch bag :) that way you’ll build up your upper body :)

Answer #3

if you don’t have exercise equipment, push ups and run home from school instead of walk, you could also do jumping jacks, shadow box, jump rope, ride a bike, go swimming. joining a gym might not be a bad idea if you can afford it, you can start to lift weights.

Answer #4

you could buy some weights and use them to build up your arm and shoulder muscles

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