Okay...I have a problem with a "friend"

There’s this girl (she WAS a good friend of mine) she still thinks we’re good friends. But she made a mistake and ran off with her psycho boyfriend. Things got ugly with her and her parents. Her boyfriend gave her a cell phone because they weren’t allowed to talk (this is before she turned 18) and when things got ugly, she told them I gave her the phone. I haven’t got onto her about this, cause I’m the type of person that doesn’t like to hurt feelings. Now, a couple months later, as in TODAY, I just found out from a mutual friend, that she’s telling people I, as in ME, that I gave her this stupid little blue diamond ring. HER STUPID PSYCHO BOYFRIEND…no wait, FIANCE, gave her that stupid ring!!! What the hell is her problem!!! She’s used me before, when things weren’t going her way. Now she’s basically doing it again. and another thing is…I DON’T TALK TO HER! She won’t talk to us anymore, cause her FIANCE doesn’t want her to talk to any of her friends!! I’m sooo POed right now, I’ve never EVER been this ticked off!! I’m to the point where I literally want to kill her, or ruin her life in the worst way!!! What can I do? They live right down the street and I really want to go down there and punch her in her face! Why is she doing this? AND ONLY TO ME!!!

Answer #1

well this is a situation lol… dont kill her please I know how that feels when you want to and you just gotta work through it lol. first what you have to do is go to the prime source and get this straightened out before she starts any more rumors. to do this you have to bring an adult and go to her house and ask to talk to her alone. tell her whats on your mind but in a nice way and say that you wont ever bother her or talk to her again but only if she doesnt start these rumors again. by having the adult there you are making sure that the boyfriend doesnt try anything and make sure the adult it a muscular man lol haha… then when you got that in her mind you can leave but make sure she knows not to start those rumors again. dont worry about being friends with her because she sounds like she isnt really the best person to hang out with anyway and she can make her own mistakes and have to fix them so dont worry about that either. if you try to tell her not to marry the guy and break up with him there will be other problems and she wont listen to you. hope I helped and need further advice fun mail me ~kaitlyn~

Answer #2

Ok I can see why your ticked. What she did was wrong and uncalled for but please don’t do anything drastic that will make her come out a better person than you. First up why is she dating this freak? From the sound of it this is as much his falt as it is hers. First try to clear your name and let every one no that you didn’t give her that ring. Next try to get in touch with this chick or her boyfriend and talk to them about this. (When I say in touch I don’t mean actually touching them and when I say talk I don’t mean shouting and yelling or anything that could let to a fight. Remember we pick flowers not fights)and lastly don’t let this get you down. Well thats pretty much all I can think of to say. I hope it helped.GOD BLESS!

Answer #3

Thanks you guys. Oh, obviously I don’t want to kill her lol, but sigh it’s getting on my nerves!

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