Am I a psycho girlfriend?

I to scared to get in a realtionship becus I fink im a pshyco lol it sounds strange but I mean because I got cheated on in the past its hard to trust people ad I find myself gettin funny inside when another girl texts its not becus im jelous its becus im scared to get hurt again

things like ; ‘ asking what they been up to ‘ when they get a text I ask hu it is ?

just general sh*t like that

is this normal ???


Answer #1

You’re phsyco? Absolutely not! That’s completely normal for a person to be very cautious of a new relationship after the other one crashed. Give yourself time to recuporate and once you find the one that you want to be with


It will help out a lot with your nerves and unsureness.


Answer #2

YOUR NOT PHYSCO!!! your just concerned about yalls relationship it perfectly normal this wont go on forever you will eventually learn to trust them

Answer #3

You’r just worrying that the relationship might go the same way as the past ones. its normal to think that, honestly. you’ll learn to trust and to trust yourself with what you’r sure about and what you’r not.

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