Why did this have to happen to me?

okay a little bit of a dramatic title but i want ur help. ok so on a girls body their legs (form where they start) are normal (or smaller) and then get bigger and then go down from there. yea kinda likelittle pockets….of fat. well i kinda have those and my legs are almost toching. wat exercise (in detail) will fix that so my legs go staight down from where they start? i want to kno cuz i am not used to my legs toching…it is weird cuz i have always been soo skinny. well help pleas!!

Answer #1

I don’t think there is any exercise that will make your legs ‘go straight’….you might want to consult your Doctor….I wouldn’t freak out over ‘less than perfect’ legs, some people have none.

Good Luck !!

Answer #2

kk sry my friend posted this not me…..uh yea she wants to thank u for ur help….dont worry i am helping her tone muscle….lol

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