Teen Choice Awards: Miley

When I saw her on the Awards, I thought she looked sluttish b/c of her outfit ‘cause she wasnt wearin’ that much. when she started dancing with that pole I thought, “I knew this would happen one day” but I kinda knew that is was for balance also. what did you think of her on the Awards??

Answer #1

my volleyball team at school wears less than that

Answer #2

I don’t think stripping and pole-dancing is all that bad. It’s erotic, and the world as we know it is getting more open by the second. I also know that PLENTY of girls at my school wear shorts that short and it’s just the style, oh well. Hollywood and famous people like to take fashion to the extreme. Black seems to be a cool thing these days, and Miley just took things up a notch. She probably felt sexy doing this too. I’m not a fan, but I also don’t judge :)

Answer #3

Sh3 was a hot mess

Answer #4

selena dont you have anything to say about this

Answer #5

she wasn’t even dancing on the pole. I don’t see what the big deal is. she was wearing more clothes than my high school volleyball team.

Answer #6

I thought “SOMEONE BRING THIS GIRL A POLE!” and right as I said that they wheeled ina pole… Haha but yeah I think her carrier is going down the toilet… Along with her show on Disney channel…

Answer #7

she was dancing with a pole not on it- but would be quite impressive =P

Answer #8

ahahaha, her singing was teribble, ge ther back in the recording studio lol

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