It wasnt a mistake

It was my 16th on saturday, all my mates were with me , camping we were All very very drunk and a few including me were stoned, My best mate, male came and I have alwuays liked him and we got high and pissed together that night, we drunk and flirty and I kept kissing him and he kissed me back pbut I always went for his cheek, as friends, but he kept moving into my lips and chrashing into me and we started to kiss properley and ended up in a tent together he was up for sex and so was I , problem been I dont remeber bits of it like how we actually ended up having sex all I rmeber is snipits of it bits of sex and then been sat up in the door way of the tent again with him, I remeber him been good but hes my best m,ate and dont want anything to come of it, I am on the pil but unfortunatly foir me mine doesnt work under influence of alcohol,. I text him to tell him this and he has replied all day, he miite be at work as I no he starts early but suirely he would have breaks, I dont care bout the sex that much as it was just because we were drunk, but just want ma bets mate back, weve been through some shit 2gther and never want to lose himn

Answer #1

well the best advice I could give you is just dont mention it when your around him otherwise you’ll feel awkward around ea. other

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