What is the best way to break down the walls of atheists and agnostics and show them Jesus?

Answer #1

There isn’t one. You can only resect the views and opinions of others. If you think about it, how would you like someone trying to convince you jesus wasn’t Real?

Answer #2

there’s not a way many of my friends are athiest and its ok to be that way there’s so many religious its like all the same so they don’t belive in him and I don’t see a problem with beinlg athiest I’m christian I just have my own opinion :)

Answer #3

By shuting up and not trying to force your beliefs on people

Answer #4

Good point.

Answer #5

I agree with him ^

Answer #6

i love this answer like :D

Answer #7

well, not judging them by their beliefs. im sure you wouldnt like it if someone came up to you and questioned your faith. its their life. its nothing for u to stress over(:

Answer #8

Everybody has different religions, opinions/theories on what will happen when we die. It’s okay to have a different view than somebody else. You can’t change what people think. Everybody has to make up their own minds. Obviously you are Christian or Catholic or something of the sort, so how would you feel if I tried to convince you that Jesus never existed, or that he wasn’t the ‘Jesus’ that you Idolize him to be? You wouldn’t be very happy. In fact I’d say you’d get quite defensive and frustrated with me. That’s totally fine to feel like that, everybody would feel like that if I tried to push my beliefs down their throat. Everybody will feel like that if you try to smother them with your beliefs too.

Each person on this Earth has been through their own kind of trauma, their own kind of pain, hurt, suffering and their own kind of joy or happiness. Everybody is able to make an informed decision based on their personal life experience. It’s not like nobody knows who Jesus is, we all know of him, it’s just that a lot of us choose not to believe in him as a devine entity.

It’s natural that you would want to convert others into your religion, as you feel like you have chosen the right path and you would like to help others find it too. But you have to accept that the average person these days will not listen to religious speakers or informers. You’d be better off putting your time and effort into something that helps your fellow church goers. Such as fundraisers for children’s days, donate to charities, etc etc.

Hope you understand.

Answer #9

Use a JCB to knock down their walls. The JCB should have a Graven Image of Jesus the Nazarene stuck on the front of it, like can be seen on the front of many Churches, or stuck behind the altar.

Answer #10

People grow inclined to their worldview as they muture and refuse to believe other wise even if you give them a convincing arguement. The best arguement I would say is the watchmaker arguement(Laymen arguement) If you want high hiting arguements msg me.

Answer #11

yay im liked

Answer #12

I had a friend that was atheist, and I invited her to church and she fell in love with it, God, and now she’s on fire for God (: invite them to church, pray for them, give them advice, but you can’t force anoyone.

Answer #13

The most fertile ground to plant the seed of faith is the young mind. If you can indoctrinate people as young children it will color the way they see the world for the rest of their life. Once individuals acquire logical and critical thinking (which many people manage to avoid their entire life) it becomes much more difficult.

Older non-believers can be more of a challenge. The sad or lonely are your easiest mark. Often these people are so happy to find a group that provides a sense of family and community that they will adopt a worldview to fit in. For those who are intelligent and emotionally stable conversion often requires destroying their sense of self. Sleep deprivation, withholding food, water, or shelter. peer pressure, and stress from forcing them into impossible dilemmas can be effective but the danger here is the subject being physically or emotionally tortured may simply say what their tormentor wishes to hear rather than changing their own worldview.

Of course in most places the more coercive techniques are illegal and often lead to negative publicity.

Answer #14

The best thing to do is to not force anything on them at all. You should work on yourself, and make sure that you are the best person you can be, and live by example. If they want to talk about Christianity with you then they can, but if they dont, forcing it on them is just going to make them angry.

Answer #15

I dunno. How do you convince someone to believe in your particular brand of mythology? You could try brainwashing. Like kidnappers who kidnap people, torture them and then begin to brainwash them. It could work. (and because I question the intelligence of the poster, I will add this is called sarcasm).

Answer #16

“By shuting up” freedom of speech?

Answer #17

“and because I question the intelligence of the poster” A foolsih presumption.

Answer #18

I would find it funny because jesus in confirmed by over 50 hsitorians from that era.

Answer #19

if your going to try and force things on people i really dont give a damn about your freedom or speech

Answer #20

“if your going to try and force things on people i really dont give a damn about your freedom or speech” when did I say force?

“i really dont give a damn about your freedom or speech” United nations must hate you.

Answer #21

I hope they do

Answer #22

Let God do it. some times forcing god on some one only pushes them away.the best way mentioned in the bible is to plant a seed in that person buy telling how god helped you and then pray on it having faith in God.it is the best way.No one would come to god if they wernt called in the first place.

Answer #23

there are no saviors but christ him self let God be your strenth

Answer #24


Answer #25

God is not willing that any shell parish even on to the last hour in gods timing every knee shall bow

Answer #26

clearly this man that asked the question did not follow christ to fit in any where here or any where else

Answer #27

i think they answered your question

Answer #28


Answer #29

I think that you have a grand misconception of what this reality holds. Just because you have been convinced of something that really in reality doesn’t make ANY sense. Doesn’t mean that others have bought into the same mass delusion.
I know you feel that Jesus is god and all of that, but really what do you have besides that feeling and the others around reinforcing that understanding? I would think nothing. Realize that the bible was only written by men, there has never been any and more than likely never will be any proof of divine intervention in the real world and that alone is enough of a push to make the “walls” of these people harder than diamond.

Answer #30

I wouldn’t recommend doing that, firstly, it has a lot to do with the fact that religion in their eyes is out dated. Atheists and agnostics alike do have a tendency to read more scriptures than that of actual followers; only to reinforce their idea of what their view of a God is.

The thing with the Catholic religion is that they know very well how they wanted to shape it. Before the Catholic religion, there existed the Pagans. To ease the stress of getting people to adjust to the new religion and not only that, to prevent retaliation, they set Jesus’s presumed birthday right near the winter solstice which was a symbol of the previous religions. Coincidence? I think not. Jesus’s real birthday wasn’t confirmed until 349 AD and ever since then, people passively accepted the fact that Jesus was born on the 25th of December, and then when he died, time restarted itself.

When it comes down to it; you really ought to leave people with how comfortable they are with what they believe in, or their lack of belief. If there is anything you should be teaching is how to question, that’s all. With questions come answers – the answers may not always be right but still question anyway. It helps to realize what it is that you believe in and with that, you’re more at peace with yourself.

Answer #31

I think that it’s not really taking freedom of speech away if he doesn’t want religious beliefs shoved down his throat. He’s telling people who are doing that to shut up, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Just a thought.

Answer #32

It’s not foolish in anyway at all, anyone who thinks that they have it right, and then decides to push that forward onto other people isn’t considerate of other’s beliefs. I’m sure your Jesus preached empathy and if so, he must be very disappointed to know what it is you are doing.

Answer #33

i like this chick she gets it

Answer #34

“He’s telling people who are doing that to shut up, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing” No it’s called persuasion, you can leave at any time during the psrsuasion.

…and what type of christian would not speak their mind and their reilgion, we do hold a believe that any non believes of jesus Christ got to hell, so what good christian would shut-up and just stand there when he thinks his atheist friends and family are going to hell.

Answer #35

ftr. ( im a catholic christian btw) and if someone doesnt believe in God. they merely havnt been given the gift of faith. if they live THEYRE religion faithfully and do what they are TAUGHT as right, then they will go to heaven. ur basically saying anyone who doesnt recognize god as true goes to He||

Answer #36

His not pushing anything, heck they could leave when they wanted to. Jesus also taught that the only way to the kingdom of God was through him, Hence A foolish Presumption indeed.

Answer #37

Thats not a catholic doctrine at all but you can have your beliefs. Jesus said it himself, you can only enter the kingdom of heaven through me.(This does not apply for the young and the foreign.

Answer #38

it is also said that some people are not graced with the gift of faith. its not their fault. we believe what we’re taught. i was taught he was real so i believe it. even if i dont like it. why sould people who havent been taught it be punished? theyre still good people.

Answer #39

“The thing with the Catholic religion is that they know very well how they wanted to shape it. Before the Catholic religion, there existed the Pagans. To ease the stress of getting people to adjust to the new religion and not only that, to prevent retaliation, they set Jesus’s presumed birthday right near the winter solstice which was a symbol of the previous religions.” Actually the catholics did it on purpose to convert masses of Pagans. They did not move jesus birthday christmas they placed it there because they were not aware of jesus true birthday.

Answer #40

I’ll said it before and I’ll say it again This does not apply for the young and the foreign meaning those who have not encounted the Bible.

Answer #41

dude ur totally missing my point. lay off it.

Answer #42

“non believers of jesus Christ go to hell,” ever heard of freedom of religion? becuz ur so keen on your freedom of speech

Answer #43

“non believers of jesus Christ go to hell” yeah so I can’t say nom believes of jesus Christ go to hell. What type of world is this.

“dude ur totally missing my point. lay off it.” No, your missing my point which I posted before.

Answer #44


Answer #45

okay, so ur criticizing others religion. way ta go. high five! -.-

Answer #46

“okay, so ur criticizing others religion” Facepalm*

Answer #47

I was saying If christianity was true then non believers of jesus Christ go to hell. How is that criticzing anyone elses religion.

Answer #48

kinda putting them down.

Answer #49

So you basically said what I said, only with more detail, and disproved your own point, well said!

Answer #50

Biased presumption would be more fitting. Does Jesus really need to use scare tactics like condemning people to hell if they do not believe in him? I would assume that a figure so loving as Jesus would accept you just the way you are; like people do. Unless, of course, normal humans are somewhat better than the lamb of God.

Answer #51

Thanks. But @logicalreasoning yes of course someone can leave while someone’s persuading/shoving beliefs down that persons throat. But to make it clear that they don’t appreciate their personal beliefs being questioned I would find it logical to tell that person to shut up. Again your freedom of speech thing. And I do understand that you may think atheists and agnostics are going to hell, but sometimes you just have to come to terms with other peoples choices. Your family and friends may be going to hell according to you, but its their own choice and they do not believe they are going to hell. There’s alway going to be those people whose religious beliefs differ with yours but you can’t always sit there and attempt to convert them when they have the constitutional riht to think

Answer #52


To think whatever they wish.

Answer #53

Your speaking to a teenage agnostic. I know nothing of your ‘jesus’ or your ‘god’ I mean sure ive heard of them but i dont know what they are and i dont understand why they are so special to people. But ‘breaking the wall’ of us agnostics, actually to me i am offended. Its not like believing in ‘god’ will do anything to help our lives. Well i guess i wouldnt know but still this is sort of offensive to me.

Answer #54

I do not believe in anyone i have never met or seen with my own eyes.

Answer #55

“There’s alway going to be those people whose religious beliefs differ with yours but you can’t always sit there and attempt to convert them when they have the constitutional riht to think” Does this cancel out freedom of speech no because thinking is triggered from speech. If your so convinced about your worldview then it should withstand any arguement, so why are you so woried?

Answer #56

dude. just stop okay

Answer #57

I never had a different plot on this issue before-hand. Your reasoning is very presumptuous.

Answer #58

Think of it like a small correction.

Answer #59

You should stop accusing me of false accusations.Your quote: “okay, so ur criticizing others religion.”

Answer #60

“Its not like believing in ‘god’ will do anything to help our lives.”

Well it could offer you some more confidence and eternal salvation. Please highlight the word could before you reply.

Answer #61

So you don’t believe in historical accounts. interesting…

Answer #62

how about you stop arguing about it and accept people for who they are, and if they choose to be athiest let it be THEIR choice, logicalreasoning your annoying and i understand you are trying to stand up for your religion but not everyone is going to be christian and the more you annoy people about, the less they would want to listen to you. now stop, i dont believe in heaven or hell or god, OHHH NOO! the world isnt going to end. to me its all science. soooo plz stop arguing about it, people have way different views of religion on FA.& its obnoxious

Answer #63

Then here’s a small correction for your argument, looking at the above, you stated that you didn’t express criticism of other religions but at the same time, condemned them to hell if your religion would ultimately be the right one. Hypocritical? No that would make to much sense. Also with the Freedom of Speech position, are you saying you can make accusations freely – like say, condemning non-believers to hell? That, last I checked, is a pretty iffy stance to take. Beyond that, anyway, where in your bible is Freedom of Speech mentioned anyway? I don’t think it was, to say the least, and if it was – it was used to outline what you couldn’t say – like taking God’s name in vain. Speech impediment? I think so. Also, why should someone have to “leave” if they simply do not wish to be indoctrinated? Are you exemplifying authority over an individual by saying what they can and can’t do? It certainly seems like that to me. Just to note, I tend to lean on pessimism so my views might be exaggerated; to say the least.

Answer #64

“Does Jesus really need to use scare tactics like condemning people to hell if they do not believe in him?” Its merely a punishment.

“I would assume that a figure so loving as Jesus would accept you just the way you are; like people do” Jesus does accept you the way you are, the way you were made and he gave as a choice, either believe in him, simple, or don’t.

“normal humans are somewhat better than the lamb of God.” You mean liars, theifs and people only seeking self glory. We are all sinners.

Answer #65

hmm dose every one here think im athiest?

Answer #66

“Then here’s a small correction for your argument, looking at the above, you stated that you didn’t express criticism of other religions but at the same time, condemned them to hell if your religion would ultimately be the right one. Hypocritical? No that would make to much sense.” HAHA, you can’t even read the proper context. “I was saying If christianity was true then non believers of jesus Christ go to hell.”

“Freedom of Speech position, are you saying you can make accusations freely – like say, condemning non-believers to hell?” No I’m saying you can argue for your reilgion and that why if you were so convinced then how are you so afaid of being refuted.

“I tend to lean on pessimism so my views might be exaggerated” I can see much exaggeration in your posts , probs fits your worldview.

“I think so. Also, why should someone have to “leave” if they simply do not wish to be indoctrinated” You don’t have to be indoctrinated, you could simply just point out the flaws.

Answer #67

Which I did, and you “refuted.” By the way, religion, yeah there is none and you still haven’t explained the inconsistencies of your religion, oh and by the way, inconsistencies are flaws.

Answer #68

“i dont believe in heaven or hell or god, OHHH NOO! the world isnt going to end. to me its all science. soooo plz stop arguing about it, people have way different views of religion on FA.& its obnoxious” Well I won’t consider you a freethinker.

“and if they choose to be athiest let it be THEIR choice” When somebody is truly a Christian its allways their choice.

Answer #69

It’s funny how you used all the negative people to support your claim, not consistent are you? What about the people that do perform good deeds, are they unworthy of being acknowledged by you? Or are you saying we are liars and thieves? Which one is it?

A punishment is a scare tactic, boy your logic is out the window. Oh and if he loves you and accepts you, why is there a choice in the first place? Seems like a waste of time to me since he clearly said he ACCEPTS you.

Answer #70

“By the way, religion, yeah there is none” So people don’t hold beliefs about how the world came to be? please use your logic next time.

“and you still haven’t explained the inconsistencies of your religion” you haven’t given me one to explain.

Answer #71

In reference to me, I don’t have a religion. I have, and your biased hindsight hasn’t let you seen it, such a pity to because they’re rather obvious.

Answer #72

I understand what your trying to say but believing in ‘God’ will not make me feel more confident because no one can make me feel more confident, im already confident. And everyone says god makes them feel less alone but honestly i dont think anyone could make me feel less alone.

Answer #73

“I have, and your biased hindsight hasn’t let you seen it, such a pity to because they’re rather obvious.” No its merely your false interpretation.

Answer #74

I certainly feel in the mood for bigotry, you really find it impossible that other people simply do not believe in God?

Answer #75

I dont no believe that they are all completely true as they are stated in the books. How can someone be completely sure of what ExAcTlY happened in the past. And yes i do on some because i have seen real videos and real pictures.

Answer #76

Of your biased view. What false interpretation is there?

Answer #77

“It’s funny how you used all the negative people to support your claim, not consistent are you? What about the people that do perform good deeds, are they unworthy of being acknowledged by you? Or are you saying we are liars and thieves? Which one is it? A punishment is a scare tactic, boy your logic is out the window. Oh and if he loves you and accepts you, why is there a choice in the first place? Seems like a waste of time to me since he clearly said he ACCEPTS you.” Have you lied?

Answer #78

No I normally see their ignorance behide their claim.

Answer #79

“I have, and your biased hindsight hasn’t let you seen it, such a pity to because they’re rather obvious” I need examples for that @Miguel lol.

Answer #80

and they think you can see through yours

Answer #81

Yes, and you have as well. Whats your point? That I am imperfect and that saying I have never lied is going to send me to the pits? Gee, thanks for the reminder of my humane qualities and your God’s corrupt qualities.

Answer #82


Answer #83

So you don’t believe in Egypt?

Answer #84

Oh good, Brents adding to the discussion, welcome Brent Miguel.

Answer #85

Look at your post 21 minutes ago, it might be a hopeless cause because, well, if I try to point out your own bias, you won’t see it.

Answer #86

Nice exaggeration there, for a logical reasoner, you sure use a lot of fallacies.

Answer #87

May I ask how is that bias.

Answer #88

But yet you still try to convince them otherwise, why is that? if they are willfully ignorant as you claim, wouldn’t it seem logical to leave them alone? Or is you bar on logic depleting.

Answer #89

ran out of better things to do and im not ready to sleep

Answer #90

Your reply to my pointing out of your flaw in your argument on criticism, was, “HAHA you can’t even read the proper context” instead of, say, elaborating on why I couldn’t or what your actual point was. Are you just to comfortable in your high horse to explain it and feel the need to resort to redundant remarks? Not to keen huh.

Answer #91

Well by her reasoning( at least I think) there are no pictutes of egyptians are there, just paintings. “I do not believe in anyone i have never met or seen with my own eyes.”

Answer #92

Well you did misread the context because I never said I was a christian before that post, and everyone has a Bias in the real world because of are worldviews.

Answer #93

No because I like telling the truth(even if it hurts someone)

Answer #94

People will believe what feels right in their hearts. You can’t force religion on someone. Consider yourself lucky though that you have God. I used to be an atheist and I know what it’s like to have someone shove their beliefs down my throat. And please, if you’re gonna get in a religious debate get your facts right. Or you will just look stupid.

Answer #95

“Whats your point? That I am imperfect and that saying I have never lied is going to send me to the pits? Gee” No i’m saying your not perfect refuted your claim of nomal man being more perfect than the lamb of God.

Answer #96

“And please, if you’re gonna get in a religious debate get your facts right. Or you will just look stupid.” No one hear is inserting facts here(Miguel) Its an opinion based question.

Answer #97

“I think that you have a grand misconception of what this reality holds. Just because you have been convinced of something that really in reality doesn’t make ANY sense. Doesn’t mean that others have bought into the same mass delusion.” great Richard Dawkins is here.

Answer #98

I find it funny when people try to do that.

Answer #99

I know what an opinion based question is, thank you. And yes some people used facts to back up their opinions that were wrong.

Answer #100

…and I don’t see that happening here. -=)

Answer #101

“The thing with the Catholic religion is that they know very well how they wanted to shape it. Before the Catholic religion, there existed the Pagans. To ease the stress of getting people to adjust to the new religion and not only that, to prevent retaliation, they set Jesus’s presumed birthday right near the winter solstice which was a symbol of the previous religions.” Actually the catholics did it on purpose to convert masses of Pagans. They did not move jesus birthday christmas they placed it there because they were not aware of jesus true birthday. I coils tear that apart in so many ways. Point is, stop trying so hard to convince. You look stupid

Answer #102


Answer #103

Summary:nevertheless all of this arguement did not answer the question of the asker I deem it useless(but fun) So I will now answer the question. For a laymen the best arguement/arguements would be the watchmaker and the fine tuning arguements.

Answer #104

Oh and this Thats not a catholic doctrine at all but you can have your beliefs. Jesus said it himself, you can only enter the kingdom of heaven through me.(This does not apply for the young and the foreign It applies to everyone. God says clearly there is no excuse for not knowing God. Whether your foreign or not. Of course babies are an acception

Answer #105

Lol. I have yet to see anything that contradicts the ‘presumption’. And how is questioning something a presumption. Maybe you should look up the definition of the word presumption. You know, it is getting harder and harder to take you seriously. I take that back. I have read nothing that has made me want to take you seriously in the first place. And miguel, don’t bother. Seriously, not worth the time or energy.

Answer #106

… Facepalm* Did you read the thread?

Answer #107

Oh Gosh your just so full of yourself.

Answer #108

Don’t have to. What matters is what you posted at the moment. Ridiculous. “Does Jesus really need to use scare tactics like condemning people to hell if they do not believe in him?” Its merely a punishment. “I would assume that a figure so loving as Jesus would accept you just the way you are; like people do” Jesus does accept you the way you are, the way you were made and he gave as a choice, either believe in him, simple, or don’t. “normal humans are somewhat better than the lamb of God.” You mean liars, theifs and people only seeking self glory. We are all sinners. Merely a punishment? Explain that further

Answer #109

The presumption is you adopted a certain attitude towards the askers kind.

Answer #110

The Punishment for not Believing in him.

Answer #111

It is no merely a punishment. Burning in hell is not just a punishment. I’m going to bring the atheist out in me for this one. There is no proof jesus was gods son. Or that he Rose from the grave. There’s just a proof that he was a person, but not Gods son. There’s only the bible, which is too old for my liking Here’s something that will make you happy       However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you.  You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land.  You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance.  You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.  (Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT)

Answer #112

That righ there prooves how mean God is portrayed in the bible. (backing up some of what Miguel said)

Answer #113

The bible did not approve it only gave laws for it.

Answer #114

and plus you have to put into prespective which book this came from and is this jewish or christian vaules.

Answer #115

That was my last post.

Answer #116

Oh wow I see the big difference there buddy. Obviously if he made a law out of it he wasn’t going to punish people for it. Which is condoning. There’s also the times he randomly killed off entire cities because they were evil. So 5 Year olds must have been real evil.

Answer #117

It’s still in the bible.

Answer #118

Fun mail me if you want to continue.

Answer #119

Why? Doesn’t really matter. Our debates won’t change anything.

Answer #120

Fine my last post in this thread OK. ““third and fourth generation of those who hate me” (Ex. 20:5). This is more likely to be an expression of God´s longsuffering (see context of Ex. 34:6,7). If one generation hated God (referring here to idolatry — see the context), He would rebuke but not destroy the nation. If repentance occurred in a future generation, he would spare the nation.” This quote refers to punishment Citation:Gospel way

Answer #121

ok cya

Answer #122

He flooded the entire earth in the bible. Look I love God, and saying these things hurts but I have to give a fair argument. God has forever changed my life. But when you preach to someone.. Don’t use the bible too much is my main point. Because there’s some crazy stuff in there. The bible is a main reason why people don’t except him

Answer #123

The bible is his infallible word. God bless.

Answer #124

Oh and btw I didn’t understand at first when you were like facepalm. I quoted that part because of how you presented a fact on Jesus’s birthday. I realize now how it looked like I didn’t read the thread lol

Answer #125

The fact being from you not Miguel… God bless you too

Answer #126

lol haha =)

Answer #127

:D =) => ~.~ ;)

Answer #128

you’r not telling the truth, your telling your opinion.

Answer #129

hey logical reasoning. prove god exists.

Answer #130

yea dude you are right

Answer #131

this is absolutely brilliant! well done! :) I’m forwarding this to a friend who will appreciate your witty sarcasm and viewpoint as much as I do! :)

Answer #132

@logicalreasoning… Here’s a query for you. You have stated that going to hell “does not apply for the young and the foreign meaning those who have not encountered the Bible.”

So, if you tell a person about Jesus and they don’t accept that ‘He’ is real, then now, because of you telling them about Jesus/The Bible, they are going to hell (since they were informed but chose not to believe). But if you don’t tell them at all, then they are definitely not going to go to hell. So… if you tell people about Jesus, you’re in essence changing their chances of going to Heaven from 100% to 50%.

Wouldn’t it be better, then, for Christians to never spread the word about Jesus and/or the Bible? If nobody ever heard about Jesus, then everyone would go to Heaven! Win-win!

Answer #133

Remember in Matthew Jesus said:

Enter though the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

He says that most people are not saved. Nowhere in the Bible have I seen anything to the effect that God saves all good or nice people. It says that the measure of goodness is perfection and we all fall short and deserve death so the only way we can be forgiven is through Jesus’ proxy punishment for our own sins.

Answer #134

Isn’t he forcing his belief that no belief should be forced on another.

Answer #135

Well that’s just one opinion. I respect it. I’m not going to try and shove down your throat my religious views of Allah. You may find it funny because you are so sure of your beliefs, but others will get frustrated because you aren’t respecting their opinions. By reading through these posts I am sorry for you. You’re being really contrary to nearly everything said. I don’t know if you’re really trying to convert people over an advice site, or just being a troll. Either way if you could just stop and be respectful of different views it would be greatly appreciated. Oh and if you’re trolling to get rid of frustrations in your life just send me a funmail. I’ll be happpy to listen as long as you don’t complain about stereotypes.

Ps: I suggest a mission trip through your church in your future, it might help you vent out your religious views

Answer #136

Okay I’m still a child. And I wasn’t raised on ‘jesus’ I wasn’t raised to believe or not believe anything. I’m agnostic because I don’t know if he’s real and now whoever is saying “If you don’t believe in god then you go to he’ll” your seriosuly scaring me. I don’t really know much about hell but I know it has fire and bad stuff.

Answer #137

Really? … I’m not trying to be mean or convert masses :). I’m just trying to give people a different perspective and encourage reasoning backed by presumptions that they can base their reasoning on.

“I respect it. I’m not going to try and shove down your throat my religious views of Allah” You really can’t force someone to another reilgion online. It’s not like I’m pointing a gun at you from point blank range saying “convert!”that’s absurd.

…Just Really?

Answer #138

Yes, really sweetie. You’re being a troll whether you realize it or not. Their reasoning is just as good as yours so just leave it. I think you’re missing the concept of respect, which is important in what I’m trying to say.

Answer #139

The best way is to actually show them Jesus. I’m waiting. Is he here yet? See my point? Cause he can’t see yours! What u have is a belief. No different to what he has. Are u gonna spend the rest of your life trying to get everyone to eat an oreo cookie the same way u do? Give it a rest and enjoy your cookie!

Answer #140

By proving he is real but no one has ever done this

Answer #141

by being real in our faith, not trying to shove it down their throats, being loving towards them (i think it’s best to accept them for who they are, if they want to believe let them and if they choose not to, let them) show how God works in your life. and remember to never get frustrated. always come with a sincere heart and not put up the wall of defense. and remember that we are not alone. we have the Holy Spirit to guide us.

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