Attitude and Latitude

regardless of your traditions and belief or “non”, do you find these scriptures comforting?

…whatever is true … honorable …right .. pure …lovely …if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. Philippians 4:8 *

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; Philippians 2:3 *

Answer #1

yep, nice verses…

Answer #2

As far as scriptures go, the two you picked are not very offensive.

However, no soldier could do his job if he dwelt too much on the 2nd one. It’d be pretty tough to kill someone if you considered that person as more important than yourself.

Answer #3

yes it is..

the quoted messages are very positive that inculcates peace and unity to everybody.. very substantial…

Answer #4

Yeah. I’m not sure what religion I am, though I’m pretty sure it’s not Christian. I don’t believe the bible to be anything more than an ancient book. I do however, realize it’s potential for wisdom and principles to live your life by.

Answer #5

The scriptures are encouraging optimism, humility, and selflessness…

I wouldn’t consider them to be comforting, but good moral advice.

Answer #6

I wouldn’t say they’re comforting, but they do have a certain optimistic appeal.

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