Whats the point!!??

Me I have an negative attitude. But I wanted to ask this question. Whats the point of livin? I mean if were gonna die anyway why did he put us on this earth. Im a christian and all but I understand he wants company but why live life so he can send us 2 heaven or hell??!! I dont get it. Were born then go thru misery then die and go were eva we belong. Whats the point!!??

Answer #1

ya. but wtf!!!??? what is rong wit everybody? why dont you believe in heaven or hell.

Most of them don’t believe it because it simply ISN’T BELIEVABLE to them.

and there is only one god!!! and thats our christian god!!

…just another BELIEF that cannot be proven. Considering the Christian god and religion is 2/3s Jewish anyway; you might want to re-think and re-phrase your opinions.

man are makin up stories about there is other gods were there is not!!! its only one!! you idiots.

You are one of the most ignorant & misinformed believers to ever appear on this site. You know virtually NOTHING about Christianity, therefor you are NOT a Christian. Your behavior is an insult and embarassment to real Christians.

Answer #2

Not only do we experience misery but we also experience joy. we can’t truly know one without knowing the other.

Answer #3

ya. but wtf!!!??? what is rong wit everybody? why dont you believe in heaven or hell. and there is only one god!!! and thats our christian god!! man are makin up stories about there is other gods were there is not!!! its only one!! you idiots.

Answer #4

No it’s absolutely not like that. You should not feel that way. We are all put on this earth for a purpose. To find our way in life, to find ourselves as human beings. We experience the bad to experience the good, live poor and then get rich (not necessarily with money), and make mistakes and learn from them to better ourselves. Life is a journey and you being from the Christian faith, probably believe the same as I do (being of the Islamic faith) that the way you choose to live your life now and the choices you make determine your place in the after life. Or differently. But we all live for a reason.

Answer #5

I think that this life is just a leg in a long journey we have ahead of us, probably a critical part too, obviously.

Answer #6

God desires you to choose Him, he could have made it easy and if we only new Him well that is all we could choose. Would you want some one to love you because they have to or want to? Only thru the hard times in this life we learn and hopefully choose God, this strengthens are faith. God wants us to have a joyfull abundant life, but that is our choice we can choose to go it alone and be misserable or wake up every day and say God what do you have in store for me today? Bring it on, life is a adventure everything that happens we can learn somthing from or help someone. Jesus came to serve not to be served, He washed peoples feet. Maybe go wash some feet! Blessings,

Answer #7

G-d created us to be unique free thinking individuals. Instead of forcing us to worship him he gave us choices. We have choices in life to help, hurt, love, hate and ignore don’t confuse our choices with his will. I have reached a point in my life where if somthing bad happens to me I see it as G-d is trying motivate me. It is only durring the bad times that we are truely motivated to educate our mind and soul. The reason these bad things are happening to you, is so that you will ask that very question and search for the answer. G-d is an advocate for tough love.

Answer #8

Read the bible propley ,than you will understand why .

Answer #9

I don’t really know I have never thought about it before but I guess it could be so God can see how we handle things and how good and honest we are but would he not already know that?

Answer #10

None of it makes any sense. The reasonable conclusion, is that the Christian god doesn’t exist.

Answer #11

yeah he knows every thing even before he makes us!!! but why if were being judged on how we live life!!!

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