How long does it take to lose 30lbs?

how long does it take to lose 30 pounds ? I`m 13…I weigh.. 115[52kgs I think ?].. I’m 5’1.. yeah fat.. I know.. :/ any advice on how to lose it ? [ermm already started slight bulimia/anorexia..] like what should I eat ?

Answer #1

At 115 pounds, no, you are not fat. You do not need to lose any weight. Losing thirty pounds at your size would be extremely dangerous to your health.

If you think you are fat when you clearly are not, you should talk to a therapist. Anorexia and bulimia are both extremely dangerous life threatening diseases that require immediate professional help.

Aside from killing people, eating disorders can make it so that women can no longer have children. They slow the metabolism down so the body stores even more fat than it would have otherwise and makes the body not burn as many calories. Eating disorders also may cause permanent damage to internal organs as well as making teeth and hair fall out. It’s nothing to play around with.

So you should be focusing on psychological health and maintaining your weight right now. Talk to a doctor or therapist, walk often, drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, eat about six small meals a day, and make sure you are not skimping on food or calories.

Answer #2

well, everyone keeps saying you are not fat. I’m also 13 && weight 111. I do tink im fat. but loosing 30 pounds is alot. but i have lost 5 pounds in about a week.. so yeah, dat kinda gives you an idea…

Answer #3

5’1” 115# is not fat. The best way to keep in shape.. er, the only way.. is through exercise (or aerobic physical activity) and eating a proper diet.. no high-calorie/high fat fast food.

there’s no ‘secret’. eating right and physical activity is the only way. anorexia and bulemia are sicknesses and extremely dangerous.. people are hospitalized and die from those sicknesses.

Answer #4

umm ya if anyone says your fat tell them to go jump off a bridge and die cause your hotter than hell!

Answer #5

okay, you are NOT fat! And if you lose all of that weight, you’s be 30lbs UNDERWEIGHT, not how you’re sapposed to weigh.

If you want to lose a few pounds, that’s fine. Just dont lose to much.

Answer #6


Answer #7

ok I know this looks long but read it I think it will help you out some ok dont do anorexia or bulimia because trust me it did a whole lot of damage to my body plus if your doing that just to attract a guy beleive me that is the thing they hate the most I weigh 100 pounds and all my friends figured out my little secret and lets just say they started to watch me really carfully after that but believe me what guys actually find atractive is not skinnyness but how IN SHAPE a girl is they dont want stick girl friends so my advice to you is to not worry just eat a healthy diet and exersise and every one on here who keeps sayin im so fat I waigh 115/somthing lower I bet guys would never like my shape ill tell you what I gained like ten pounds this year I was a 90 pound 7th grader and everyone thought it was gross cause you could almost c my bones but when I got into 8th grade I thought that I NEEDED to change so I gained 10/15 pounds and guys actually started to like me more since I started 8th grade I’ve already had 3 different boyfriend’s (dont worry im not a slut)but the only bad thing is my hips from going through anorexia and bulimia I axtually shrunk my hips so much they still havent recovered its really scary and I regret doing that so much and you will to if you try to make urself somthing so badly that it will almost permenently damage your skin so please for everyone who cares about you shake’s dont do that to your body it will just hurt you in the end so hope this helped you figure some stuff out…>–>o

Answer #8

111 pounds is a lightweight… unless you’re 4 feet tall.

Answer #9


Answer #10

ok I know this looks long but read it I think it will help you out some ok dont do anorexia or bulimia because trust me it did a whole lot of damage to my body plus if your doing that just to attract a guy beleive me that is the thing they hate the most I weigh 100 pounds and all my friends figured out my little secret and lets just say they started to watch me really carfully after that but believe me what guys actually find atractive is not skinnyness but how IN SHAPE a girl is they dont want stick girl friends so my advice to you is to not worry just eat a healthy diet and exersise and every one on here who keeps sayin im so fat I waigh 115/somthing lower I bet guys would never like my shape ill tell you what I gained like ten pounds this year I was a 90 pound 7th grader and everyone thought it was gross cause you could almost c my bones but when I got into 8th grade I thought that I NEEDED to change so I gained 10/15 pounds and guys actually started to like me more since I started 8th grade I’ve already had 3 different boyfriend’s (dont worry im not a slut)but the only bad thing is my hips from going through anorexia and bulimia I axtually shrunk my hips so much they still havent recovered its really scary and I regret doing that so much and you will to if you try to make urself somthing so badly that it will almost permenently damage your skin so please for everyone who cares about you shake’s dont do that to your body it will just hurt you in the end so hope this helped you figure some stuff out…>–>o

Answer #11

ok I know this looks long but read it I think it will help you out some ok dont do anorexia or bulimia because trust me it did a whole lot of damage to my body plus if your doing that just to attract a guy beleive me that is the thing they hate the most I weigh 100 pounds and all my friends figured out my little secret and lets just say they started to watch me really carfully after that but believe me what guys actually find atractive is not skinnyness but how IN SHAPE a girl is they dont want stick girl friends so my advice to you is to not worry just eat a healthy diet and exersise and every one on here who keeps sayin im so fat I waigh 115/somthing lower I bet guys would never like my shape ill tell you what I gained like ten pounds this year I was a 90 pound 7th grader and everyone thought it was gross cause you could almost c my bones but when I got into 8th grade I thought that I NEEDED to change so I gained 10/15 pounds and guys actually started to like me more since I started 8th grade I’ve already had 3 different boyfriend’s (dont worry im not a slut)but the only bad thing is my hips from going through anorexia and bulimia I axtually shrunk my hips so much they still havent recovered its really scary and I regret doing that so much and you will to if you try to make urself somthing so badly that it will almost permenently damage your skin so please for everyone who cares about you shake’s dont do that to your body it will just hurt you in the end so hope this helped you figure some stuff out…>–>o

Answer #12

115 lbs and 5’1’’ is not fat at all! You look really skinny in you’re pic! You really don’t need to lose any weight! Especially 30 lbs! You will only weigh 85lbs! That truly would not be healthy! And bulimia and anorexia will just make you gain weight, lose weight, get sick, pass out, et put in the hospital and have a possibility of dying! Please don’t do this to yourself!

Answer #13

yo baby doll–think about your purpose in life–that someone may need you–being sick with a or b will only rob people of the gifts that you come here to give to others–you are a gift–please, don’t hurt yourself–a distant big sis

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