Beauty & Style Questions

  1. What can I do to make my hair really shiney and bouncy?
  2. What are some good ways to minimize large pores and take care of oily skin?
  3. What shoes should I wear for the new school year???
  4. Does ped egg really work?
  5. How does trimming your split ends regularly help promote hair growth..(read additional..)?
  6. How long does it take you to straighten your hair?
  7. how to get rid of shaving spots/rash on legs?
  8. What do you think of gauges on girls?
  9. is there anything that will make my hair grow 4-5 inches by the end of august??
  10. How can I make a realistic homemade tooth?
  11. where should i go to buy the 120 color palette eye shadow?
  12. what kind of makeup should i wear more or try?
  13. What makeup should I wear if im light skinned with dark brown hair and blue/black/green eyes?
  14. What is a cute style to wear back to school that boys like?
  15. what colour suits me ?
  16. Is there any hair product that can make ur natural hair look good after a shower?
  17. How can I get my hair to the way it used to be, without spending a lot of money?
  18. How can I dye my hair purple, It is black, and dark brown, do I have to dye it bleach blond first?
  19. How can my hair become longer in the short term?
  20. What are some online clothing stores like forever21 that are cheap like and sell rocker/comfy looking clothes?
  21. what is that ink that people use in India for making tattoos, that is like gunk and u leave it on, it crusts off and you have the mark of where it was?
  22. does anyone know of a store in canada that sells affordable scene clothes?!?
  23. Who here has had experiences with Barbizon modeling company?
  24. How do I fix these jeans?
  25. What does manic panic mean "first shampoo using a PH ACID BALANCED shampoo"??
  26. what store-bought hair dyes will make your hair almost platinum blonde?
  27. does anyone know of a generic brand antibiotic ointment that works jus as well as neosoprin and where I can get it?
  28. How many times a day should i brush my teeth to get whiter teeth?
  29. Does anyone have problem with the Instyler?
  30. What is your back to school clothes style?
  31. does horse hair shampoo work to help hair grow faster?
  32. What un-natural(pink,blue,purple etc) hair colors go with a peaches and cream skin tone?
  33. What kind of haircut should I get?
  34. How much would a small dove wrist tattoo (in pounds) cost, and will it hurt?
  35. When you shower, do you have a routine, or do you do things randomly?
  36. does this look alright?
  37. Is it normal to have small black hairs around your areolae?
  38. What do some of you think of guys with beards?
  39. Where could i go to TEST out dermaBlend to match my skin tone before buying it???
  40. Where can i get prement hot pink highlights?
  41. who knows of a facial piercing that would look good if you have a nose ring?
  42. What is some popular name brands?
  43. how do i curl my haor without burning it!??
  44. is it tru thet emo boys are like me who like boys to?
  45. How long do I have to wait to swim after getting my belly button peirced?
  46. What's your favorite teeth whitening product?
  47. How long do I have to wait to swim after getting my belly button peirced?
  48. What's the BEST brand of make-up remover?
  49. Who knows if olay is a good product for acne?
  50. What do you think makes a girl beautiful?
  51. How can I get my acne to clear up?
  52. what is better converse or nike????
  53. why am i getting bumps on my face? it bad?
  54. how can i braid my hair besides the freanch type?
  55. What is Neytiri's face shape?
  56. whats the diffrence between a monroe piercing and madonna piercing?
  57. How do i get rid of chicken pox bumps that have been on my body for a few years?
  58. Who here has a home-done tattoo?
  59. why am i turning blonde all of a sudden!?
  60. Do carrots really make you have pretty eyes?
  61. how do i get volume at the roots?
  62. Where can I get a cheap non used crimper?
  63. how caan fix my eyebrows without making them look bad?
  64. What is your opinion on the new circle contact lens'?
  65. why am i getting strech marck on me all of a sudden and im not over weight!??! can i stop this!!!!
  66. how effective is laser hair removal?
  67. what is the difference between a cuddly, a stocky and a broad body?
  68. can a belly buttin peircing eventually close wen i want it too?
  69. how to do this with my hair?
  70. What color are my eyes, I' having trouble figuring it out?
  71. What are really good "putting on eye liner" tips?
  72. Who knows if boy's like girl's with Dark eyeliner?
  73. Whats your favorite perfume or body spray?
  74. What is the Best mascara, and lipgloss?
  75. What do you think about full back wing tattoos on guys?
  76. What is the best lotion to use with big pores?
  77. Does lotion have expiration dates?
  78. Why is it when i put on my lotion my skin felt waxy?
  79. What are some cute easy updos for work?
  80. when can i finally cut my bangs im so sick of them!?
  81. Why is it when my hair dries after I take a shower it feels kind of crunchy near the roots?
  82. Is it hard to straighten your hair if you get a curly perm?
  83. what should i do, my hair is kinda detroyed from all the heat i use on it, should i dye it blonde for the summer?
  84. How do i curl my hair like aria and hanna on Pretty Little Liars ?
  85. Whats the best foudation and mascara out the now?
  86. what should i do with my hair?
  87. Who knows if bleach fades or not?
  88. Where would this look best right shoulder or ribs under right breast?
  89. Is it necessary to apply moisturizer after a face wash all year round?
  90. What's your favorite chothing store of all time??
  91. How could I make a T-Shirt design from scratch?
  92. Where can I find lipstick almost exactly like the one Ke$ha wore in the "my first kiss" music video?
  93. Who knows any homemade waxing recipies?
  94. Is it normal for a 15 year old to have a little bit of lower back hair?
  95. How many earrings can 1 earlobe hold?
  96. can i just use sharpie ink for home made tattoos?
  97. What's better,wrist microdermal anchor or just a wrist piercing?
  98. Should I go seek some medical treatment for reducing my nose?
  99. Does a spray tan stop u from having pimples?
  100. What do you bleach your teeth with?