Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Is it okay to fall for your best guy friend?
  2. could a 24 year old get into trouble for being with a 16 year old in oklahoma?
  3. Why am i always attrated to the guy who doesnt like me and not attracted to the guy who dose?
  4. How can i tell if my boyfriend is cheating on me...or if he wants to break up with me?
  5. why do guys have to be such jerks most of the time?
  6. How do i get my boyfriend back?
  7. How do i re-gain trust for my suppose to be bestfriend?
  8. How can I cheer my friend up? (he's upset about his nan being in hospital.)
  9. what can i possibly do with my bestfrend?
  10. What are some free internet porn sites? (ex: youporn,redtube,tube8)
  11. how do i meet a nice boy and get enough confidence to talkj to him / ?
  12. Why do guys cheat on the good girls?
  13. How do i give my boyfriend a handjob hell never forget?
  14. whats a good reason to stick by your boyfriend if you a single parent?
  15. Who thinks 14 is too young of an age to be in love?
  16. how do i be confident around this girl i like?
  17. How do I (A VERY GAY GUY) tell a very persistant girl that I'm not interested?
  18. How do I prove to my fiancee that I am NOT cheating (Which I am not) while he is in the Navy?
  19. why do me and my bf fight so much ..?
  20. How can you make a guy understand that you're just not into him?
  21. How do you deal with the death of someone close to you?
  22. How can i make my pussy/cum tast good and smell good?
  23. why do guys like to tease girls about other boys?
  24. why did this guy want me to put his phone down my shirt while he texted me with mine on vibrate?
  25. Why does it seem like he WANTS me to be pregnant?
  26. How do you finger yourself
  27. When will my butt go back to normal after anal?
  28. What was he trying to show me when he did this
  29. what would you choose?
  30. How do i help my friend out?
  31. What do you think he feels about me?
  32. Where do you think we're heading?
  33. How does he really feel about me?
  34. what is this, my bf has been making love to me and his dick head has gone blue, what does this mean?
  35. what should i do about this prince charming?
  36. what should i do with my relationship?
  37. How do I impress my crush when he doesn't love me, like me or noticce me?
  38. why do boys want babies so bad?
  39. should i continue to go out with my boyfriend knowing that he lives in north carolina and i live massachusetts
  40. is there a certain way you have to kiss?
  41. how to save my marriage
  42. is there anyway to look at my old questions?
  43. how do i give a good hand job without my arm getting tired??
  45. Why is my girlfriend acting so wierd after we just had our "first time" together?
  46. What is some good advice on coming out?
  47. Why is it because his friend likes me we cant be together but we both like eachother?
  48. how do i get my crush 2 like me?
  49. How should I feel since this guy asked me to dance, but I'm not sure if he wanted to keep dancing with me or not?
  50. Is it okay to let someone finger you when you have a bladder infection?
  51. what is my gut trying to tell me?
  52. How can I find out if this girl likes me or not?
  53. who knows if guys like girls that have side fat?
  54. What, do you do when you like an older girl?
  55. How do i reject a guy who wants do ask me out?
  56. What: Is it bad when my husband is pretty much the only friend I have?
  57. Why are most girls backstabbers?
  58. what are some good indications that show if you're hella sprung/whipped?
  59. Why is it that whenever me and my boyfriend talk through text/IM, we can't have a good conversation; but whenever we talk face to face, we can?
  60. i am 14 want to make my boyfriend happy who is 16 and he tried but didnt get it up wat does that mean?
  61. what does it mean, when a guy gets really close to your face and looks directly into your eyes?
  62. Why do ALOT of girls always fall for complete A-Holes?
  63. What do I do if all my guy friends like me...
  64. Why am I suddenly breaking out?
  65. Is it normal to not like someone back after a serious relationship?
  66. Why just chatting on msn turns him on?
  67. Why are people's first impression on me is mean and unfriendly stuff need some tips?
  68. Why do i think that i dont love my boyfrnd?
  69. How is it wrong to be gay or bi but its alright to be straight?
  70. what shouldni do when I'm horny?
  71. How can i get girls to look under my skin?
  72. How many of you guys are in luv or at least think u r but the person u like doesnt like u back?
  73. what does a guy mean when he says hes concentrating on career?
  74. How does a dude's dick go all the way in when the average women's vagina is only 3 inches deep....?
  75. Why my bf tells me to gain weight :(?
  76. What can i dod to get a boy to like me?
  77. What are some kinky things to as a girl?
  78. What should I do, the girl i like's mom doesnt like me, and so she wot allow us to hang out at her house or my house, andwe cant be seen toeather in public
  79. How Can i tell if my boyfriend truelly is over his ex or if he misses haveing her?
  80. What should i do if my friend asked me to go somewhere with them but then they abandoned me and brought 3 other people?
  81. Why is it that all girls hate me?
  82. Why won't my girlfriend commit to me?
  83. if this is too long im sorry, but me n my guy have been together a while we have been sleeping together for about 2 months and in all the time we have, which
  84. why do you think people get married do young or have kids before they are ready?
  85. How is your school situation ?
  86. i told a guy i like him. he said tht he really likes me but doesnt like me that way. how can i get over him?
  87. how to fuck your girlfriend right?
  88. Why is it that even though i have friends and go out on a near weekly basis and what not,I still feel alone?
  89. What does it mean when you are walking one way and a guy and his friends on the other, and the guy looks at the ground ?
  90. how to make fingering a girl perfect?
  91. is there something wrong with me?
  92. Would i start being called names if i kissed a guy that went out with every girl and i wasn't going out with him?
  93. How can i master bate better.. What other ways can i do that by only paying attention to my clint?
  94. Why if i stoped talking to him does he stare at me all the time?
  95. Should I keep talking to him after this?
  96. is it bad to be 17 and never been kissed?
  97. Do you consider breaking one's heart a crime?
  98. Does s 14yr old girl like being told how beautiful they are? Even if they don't like you?
  99. why is it that when we're just friends with someone its easy to talk to them and when you start to like them its hard to talk to them ?
  100. How do you give a guy a boner without being slutty?