How do i reject a guy who wants do ask me out?

everytime he trys i just pretend to go to the little girls room or pretend i dident hear him.

Answer #1

Tell him you don’t like him, else he won’t stop

Answer #2

ughh they usually dont give up haha butsay you already like someone else and your sorry, you feel like we should stay friends instead.

Answer #3

You don’t have to be rude. Be assertive. Tell him, Look, i’m really sorry, but Im just not interested. hope this helps!

Answer #4

try to tell him nicely and if hes one of those types who will just keep on askin then you need to {not to be mean} but break his heart thats the only way to stop em.

Answer #5

just tell him that u dont want to at this point in time to give him time then he mightget the hint ..

Answer #6

tell him your dating someone already

Answer #7

Tell him your not interested in dating - period. Tell him you like someone else.

Answer #8

The best answer is honesty: like, ‘you’re a nice person, you’re just not my type.’ Don’t make up something else. Lies are lies, you don’t need to do that. If he has a hard time accepting it, really, that’s his problem, but you can be nice about it, “It just won’t work right now. Thanks. Bye.” Plus, you never know if 5 or 10 years from now he might be hot!

Answer #9

Just tell him that you need to talk to him. then just tell him that you dont want to be with him but that you would be friends if he wants to.

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