Questions & Answers

  1. Anyone who's seen the movie "Boys Don't Cry"
  2. Is paying your collections good for your credit score?
  3. Are guys really worth it?
  4. Dance Dance Revolution
  5. Should it even matter about religion?
  6. What does it mean if your tattoo starts to peel?
  7. What should I do if my parents hurt me?
  8. Does high growth of hair affects health?
  9. TurboTax Software heard this was the best tax software, true?
  10. what is the benchod?
  11. What if my crush is leaving to the Marines?
  12. What pills are good to lose weight?
  13. Just so you know my cousin has been on my account
  14. Why do people think the serpent in Genesis was 'the devil'?
  15. Will I get the job if my drug test came back non-negative?
  16. Should I move on?
  17. How to lose weight in the hips and thighs?
  18. How to paste a picture?
  19. Computer addiction, no longer
  20. When is the next ps3 update system coming out?
  21. How do you get strech marks to come off your body?
  22. What's the best cruise to go on in the Carribean?
  23. What is breast cancer?
  24. Who else has a cold?
  25. Can You Play PS2 Games On A PS3?
  26. Should I get back with him so I can cheat on him?
  27. Computer broke down before I could print the answer key
  28. How do you make a fantasy football account on yahoo?
  29. How to calm down around loads of people?
  30. If you could go anywhere...
  31. What do I have to do to move out?
  32. Is he jealous? (thanks for help in advance)
  33. What did you do for your 15th Birthday Party?
  34. Did Jesus write the Bible?
  35. How to make oven fries extra crispy?
  36. What kinda music are you into?
  37. No CD for the Motorola Phone V3
  38. How exactly can you make alcohol with kool-aid?
  39. Destiny Hope Cyrus I swear I am your biggest fan!
  40. How to gain fat or muscle in my butt?
  41. How can I tell when I'm ovulating?
  42. Craig Morgan and Blake Shelton?
  43. In love with a married man
  44. How do you become a rapper?
  45. Any other suggestions for my party?
  46. What is bothering my friend?
  47. What is this song called?
  48. Why doesn't my padded swimming bikini look right?
  49. Do guys prefer a lass to shave down there?
  50. How do I download limewire succesfully?
  51. A suitable name for this project?
  52. How do I get word out that im babysitting?
  53. Does this idea for a book sound stupid?
  54. Does anyone have family with Huntington's Disease?
  55. Can you eat a plantain like a banana?
  56. How to make my daughter see that this isn't safe?
  57. What's the most fun thing you've done at 13?
  58. What's your favorite taylor swift song?
  59. How to stop being so shy?
  60. Scared of mri
  61. Should I expect to never get a job?
  62. Should I Get My Ex Back? (Part 2)
  63. Undergraduates and Graduates?
  64. Why do I always wear slutty clothes?
  65. Do you have to have a-levels to become a life coach?
  66. Which is the best search engine?
  67. Is it bad that I feel happier when I drink?
  68. How to shop online?
  69. How to make myself happy?
  70. What are you most scared of?
  71. Which airport or airlines is the biggest in the world?
  72. Should I put myself back into hospital?
  73. How to find a job when I'm young?
  74. Am I allergic to chocolate?
  75. Search engine results
  76. Is he trusting me again?
  77. Why do people watch WWE?
  78. What to do about a racist boy?
  79. How to send email over a fax?
  80. Who sings the song I Will Be?
  81. Where to get good quality soundloops?
  82. How to write a letter saying your sorry?
  83. Where is Hannah Montana's next UK concert?
  84. How to tell a friend you don't like them anymore?
  85. Why don't I enjoy being intimate with my partner anymore?
  86. Why is the word panties plural?
  87. Is something mentally wrong with me?
  88. Can you send an email to a landline phone?
  89. How can I lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks?
  90. Can remakes of songs ever be better?
  91. English as a Universal Language?
  92. Should I stay with him or leave him?
  93. Should I Get My Ex Back?
  94. Im scared of 9/11
  95. A ClockWork Orange message?
  96. How to manage all my homework?
  97. Lipo 6x results?
  98. What's going on with my heart?
  99. Can convicted felons go to a 4 year college?
  100. What do you think of this tattoo idea?