How do you become a rapper?

How do you become a rapper?

Answer #1

ok. to become a rapper you need to figure out your place as a rapper. will you be in for primarily entertainment, give a positive message, do it as a pass time hobby, change the way it is now theres a lot possible. then you figure out what type of crowd you want, how big, major or independent…its just to much! it takes a lot of decideding and experimenting to become a TRUE rapper. like dude said, you dont really need recording equipment though, just two hands, a table and some rhyming words to be a “rapper” ITS JUST RHYMING THINGS, A POEM, A RIDDLE! its up to you on how serious you wont to become when being the rapper.

Answer #2

There are tons and tons of people who want to become rap artists. Its one of those things that are better for more like…a hobby, rather then depending your life on it. Save up some money to get some good gear to mix tracks with, write some good raps, and go from there. Travel, get your music out there.

Answer #3

I don’t know

Answer #4

stephanief987 said it all.

take it from a dude who is already in a band, definetely not something to make your life, unless you r completely sure you r talented, and that peeps will buy your stuff. if you want to chase, thats awesome, but dont depend on makin it to the top. good example - peeps on American Idol, QUITE their jobs to try out for it, and they end up sucking balls, and they just f*cked up their life because they thought a karaoke voice was good enough.

Answer #5

ha im a rapper, me and some buddies got all wasted one night and made a rap CD. All you need is some recording equipment

Answer #6

Watch MADE on TMF now its just started someones trying to become a raper (:

Answer #7

Wear some oversize close, and talk jiberish lol nah im just f*king with ya, rap is pretty sick. Well its like starting a metal band, you make beats(I recomond fruity loops studio 9) and record some ryhmes. Than give out some demos to your friends, and then book shows, but you gotta take it seriously, not like my band lol

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