Is something mentally wrong with me?

I m 21/male.I read one aartical in which they specify some warning sign that related to mental health then I examine myself from that a found some sign 1)very angry most of the time, cries a lot or overreacts to things 2)worthless or guilty a lot 3)worried a lot more than other young people 4)extremely fearful-has unexplained fear 5)loses interest in things usually enjoyed 6)has unexplained changes in eating habits 7)avoids friends or family and wants to be alone all the time 8)daydreams too much and can’t get things done 9)talks about suicide 10)poor concentration;can’t make decisions 11)inability to sit still 12)worry about being harmed or about doing something “bad” 13)uses alcohol in extremely is any thing wrong with me .I discuss some sign to parent but they thought that I m giving excuses. I m the only son of my parent.I m addict of masturbation

Answer #1

you can’t diagnose yourself, but if you sense that something is wrong and feel like getting evaluated to make sure something or nothing is wrong with you I would go to a psychologist. They can properly diagnose you =)

Answer #2

Well what you’re discribing sounds like what I have: bipolar disorder. You need to convince your parents to let you seek help. Otherwise, do it yourself because a lot of people with this end up dying by their own hand…

Answer #3

Dear nin4uonly, Well you don’t need your parents permission to seek out counselling or a doctor. You are 21 and need to be proactive in your own life. You know you have a problem and it’s time you take care of it. Pick up the phone and call your health clinic, your doctor, local mental health agency etc. There is never any need for anyone to suffer needlessly these days. There is so much help and resources that are just a phone call away. Perhaps this is what your parents mean when you are using excuses…there is no excuse not to get help. Sue…good luck

Answer #4

Yeah it could be bipolar, it could be ADD with depression, it really could be a lot of things, but you have a lot of symptoms of depression, so I really would get help from a professional…

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