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Yes or no gay marriage?
Yes or No gay marriage? I say yes, Im not gay but if two people are in love it doesnt matter. I am also christian but the christians that say they cant marry because it would go agenst god, wekk its their choice to go agenst god, we shouldnt force them. Law and religion should not mix. Its the peoples choice. But what do you think?? Maybe you can make me see it from a different view?
“ think they should realize it is not love, it is only infactuation / obsession / idolization.. “
hmm… how would you know?
I agree with you, adults should live their own lives, who cares what they do in the bedroom why can’t they have the same legal benefits of being married like straight people do
You’re entitled to your opinion. At least you read it. Your scathing review will only elicit more views.
Now according to the Bible homosexuality is a sin. This also implies that gay marriage is also a sin.
…no… it doesn’t…
Catilynn has a good point,
Not everyone is Christian, and by disallowing someone to marry because of your religion is indirectly discriminating against someone based on their beliefs.
So the argument that the bible says…which it doesn’t anyway,
is void.
I say yes :) I’m bisexual.
I am mormon so I say no
I say yeas to gay marrage I don’t care what you are as long a the people are happy!!!
WHO Cares and I mean that in a postive way
Because if you support gay marriage you will also set precidence for lawsuits against churches who refuse to wed gay couples on moral conviction.
I say no…just for the sake that the Bible teaches against it..it is morally and Scripturally wrong.
yes, im 100% for it being gay/lesbian/bi, ect doesnt make anyone any less human
puglover- what if someone doesn’t agree with what the bible says? why should they have to live by the same rules that you do?
“Traditionally marriage has been regarded as a religious institution and only recently been viewed in a secular way.”
That ship sailed the moment they decided to give married people a tax break.
I say yes,
I have told this story probably a 100 times but I knew of two gay people who lived together their whole life and then when the one died the other’s family came and took everything that they worked for together. And the family hated them both…so that is unfair
There are two main reasons I’m for it…
- if you love someone it should be your choice to live happily together for the rest of your life
- Being married give people some rights as to what happens if the other suddenly dies etc etc and I feel that if you are help building a relationship with someone, you should have some right to whatever you contributed in that relationship if it happens to end.
“Traditionally marriage has been regarded as a religious institution and only recently been viewed in a secular way.”
“That ship sailed the moment they decided to give married people a tax break.”
Yes… and open to government regulation.
I made no qualifying remarks as to the constitutional validity of that policy… the article however… the one that I cite… is in disagreement with that policy.
It really is a worthy read.
Justin Raimondo is a gay political journalist. He has written an essay from the libertarian perspective. It is eye-opening. Traditionally marriage has been regarded as a religious institution and only recently been viewed in a secular way. This essay speaks to government intervention into religious hegemony. The separation of church and state should not be undermined from either direction. It is written in a manner fair to both sides. I have copied and posted it here in another thread. It is a lengthy article… so here is the link to the other question where it is posted. Any truly open-minded person should at least give it a read. http://www.funadvice.com/q/who_opposes_gay_marrige
Gay marriage is here and now…the Bible is about 1700 years old and is seriously outdated, not with the times. Gay people are people. It is natural (albeit approximately 10% of the population) and they deserve to love and they deserve respect. Drop the lessons you learned in Sunday school and learn mutual respect for others.
zachanardo: that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
I doubt it… you have one set of rights, against another… they would negate each other.
captainassassin I have showed you from the Bible that homosexuality is sin. If that is sin how is Gay marriage not sin. Please explain
Because homosexuality is no greater a sin, than any sin YOU’VE committed, ARE committing, and WILL commit.
According to the Bible, all sin (except for blasphemy) is equal in God’s eyes, and is equally forgivable. Even Jesus said ‘’Sin is sin’’
That being the case, if you want to ‘assume’ and claim that homosexuals can’t get married, because they are sinning; then you need to also ‘assume’ that NOBODY can EVER get married, because EVERYONE is a sinner by nature.
You cannot limit THEIR freedoms, without limiting your own… that is hypocrisy.
I don’t have anything against them forming “domestic partnerships”. The only thing I hate about homosexuality is that some of them are making it way too puplic. Like gay parades, for example.
You’re missing the point…
The MARRIAGE is NOT the sin, its the homosexuality. You’re taking ONE sin of an individual, and applying it to other aspects in their life.
Its no different than claiming it is a sin for homosexuals to COOK, or WRITE, or KNIT… which is ridiculous.
As for ‘repentance’ …the purpose is to acknowledge before God, that you ARE a sinner, and ask his forgiveness… PERIOD. It is an ongoing process…
Everyone has their vices Everyone STILL sins, before, during, and after they ‘repent’ Everyone falters
THAT is how you need to see it. If you insist on believing homosexuals are sinners… fine… they are JUST LIKE YOU… a sinner… struggling with sin… day by day…
Oh! No! You got me wrong. I am not saying that it is a sin for a homosexual person to get married. According to my understanding, I think the question here was weather it is ok for 2 homosexual persons to marry each other (a gay marriage). My answer was for that.
It is completely ok for a homosexual person to marry a woman provided he leaves his sinful life and cleaves to his wife.
“””It is completely ok for a homosexual person to marry a woman provided he leaves his sinful life and cleaves to his wife. “””
Your missing the WHOLE BOAT…
Yeah… the boat is halfway across the Atlantic.
provided he leaves his sinful life and cleaves to his wife.
…CLEAVES his wife? That sounds like ANOTHER type of sin…
captainassassin I agree with you that homosexuality is a sin as great as other sins. I also agree with you that this sin is forgiveable.
But a sin is forgiven only when one repents. Repentance means accepting the fact that it was a sin and turning away from it. In a gay marriage they are not repenting nor turning away from their homosexual relationship. Therefore the sin remains. So gay marriage is a sin and if they people involved in this needs forgiveness they need to repent and stop that life style.
So gay marriage is sinful. It is a life in which they continue to sin.
I say yes, Im not gay either but why shouldnt we let them get married its not really a big deal, I mean peoples religions shouldnt get on the way of deciding who can get married and who cant. That would be like the whole world switching to arranged marrages… It shouldnt happen who cares if your gay/les/Bi Its just love.. Not gonna end the world.
The Bible says nothing about homosexual marriage.
Regardless, marriage is not ONLY for the religious, it is a federally regulated legal agreement between two individuals. Its discrimination if homosexuals aren’t allowed to benefit from the same tax breaks as heterosexuals.
From a federal standpoint, I think ALL forms of marriage should be referred to as ‘domestic partnerships’ …and should allow anyone: homosexual or heterosexual, to qualify for the same tax breaks. Reinforced by ‘’separation of church and state’’ …the term ‘marriage’ should no longer be used (in legal documentation), since is bears religious significance.
Also, there seems to be no valid reasons why homosexuals shouldn’t be allowed to marry; aside from religious views, which have no legal relevance anyway (separation of church and state, remember?)
Well in my opinion this is matter of choice. In fact everything is a matter of choice. We all have freedom to choose:
to have a gay marriage or to have a regular marriage or to stay unmarried to kill anyone or not to kill anyone to go to work or to do a business or not do anything at all to invest money in any business to eat healthy food or to eat junk food etc..
But when people claim that gay marriage is a matter of choice of the individual they do not think of weather it is right to do so. When I say right I mean weather it is right in the sight of our creator. So is this right in the sight of God? How do we know the answer?
God our creator has given us the Bible. He has given us the Bible so that we can know about Him as well as about what is right or wrong in His sight, so that we may correct ourselves. Now according to the Bible homosexuality is a sin. This also implies that gay marriage is also a sin. Here are the verses that shows us that homosexuality is a sin and something that God hates.
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination. Leviticus 18:22
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them. Leviticus 20:13
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Romans 1:26-27
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
But we know that the law [is] good, if a man use it lawfully; Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; 1 Timothy 1:8-10
It really is a worthy read.
I thought it was crap…
The author intentionally avoided the issue of adoption, with regards to marriage as a tool for child rearing.
Absolutely for many reasons:
-It’s supposed to be seperation of church and state, marriage is not only a religous contract, it’s a government contract, the government should not be able to tell two people they can not get married because of religious reasons. PERIOD.
-Homosexuality is something that people are born into. It’s been proven they are born with a different gene than straight people, it’s ridiculous to tell someone they can not be in love, be married, and raise a family because of something that they are born with.
-What two people do with their own lives and who they marry - is NO ONE elses business. I dont think that people should be able to interfere with 2 consenting adults wanting to get married - where is the freedom in that?
-Here we are - in the 21st centuary - and I’m embarssed that in all of the advancements, we still have not given homosexuals the right to marry.
-It’s supposed to be about Equality - yet we are giving a group of people less rights than others…
I think the question here was weather it is ok for 2 homosexual persons to marry each other (a gay marriage). My answer was for that.
Yes… and you’ve still failed to justify your answer without bearing hypocrisy. The Bible DOES NOT mention homosexual marriage. You are merely presenting your opinion, as if it was God’s opinion… which is bearing false witness.
I can see no valid reason to criminalize gay marriage. The question should not be ‘should we permit it’, but rather ‘why has it been criminalized’.
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