Age gaps

Please read( I know its long)

Well, there’s a man that works in morrisons and he’s unbelievably good looking.. So I smile to him now an then, and he smiles back. The other day I saw him and smiled, and he said hello, and we chatted for about 2 mins. He then asks for my number when he was quite a distance away ,I didn’t say anything. (btw im only 14) And I went to morrisons today and he asked for my number again, I asked how old he was and he said ‘’35… Jokin … Im 21’’ And then he said he’s 19! Then he walked me to the bottom of my road , and he lives at the bottom of my road!!!because I saw him go into his house He said he’d like to be friends, but I’ve got a feeling he wants more! What do I do? Do I tell my mum? She’ll kill me and I’ll never be able to see him again, I dont want that, I like him. When I think about him my stomach goes funny, and my heart races, and he said the exact same thing,! He gave me compliments on my looks, he seemed so desperate, and didn’t want me to leave the shop! So what do I do ??? Please answer

Answer #1

Please leave him alone. I mean, I have younger friends, but its like this…I’m 16. what would you say if I said I am dating an 11 year old girl??? Sick right? Its the same situation for him. Being the younger party, you dont see a problem with it, but you have to remember, he is 19. He knows that younger minds are easier to get into. He can and will manipulate you in any way he can for his own personal gain. And as soon as you spoke to him, he knew that he could. All the people who want to tell you that “age is just a number”, and “go for it” and all that, don’t care about you. I know how guys are, why? Because I am a guy!!! I know all this from personal experience So please listen. :)

Answer #2

The age difference is hard for you to understand. Mature men trying to pick up teenage girls are looking for only one thing. They are not looking for wonderful conversations about world affairs, great books, and art.
You should tell someone about it, if not your mom, a friend. Let them have the details of the man’s name, address, phone number; in case something bad happens, and you turn up missing or in a trunk. I know teenage boys can be geeky. That is a part of growing up. Don’t try to skip that part of your life. You will longer for it and wish you didn’t when you get older. It is the funnest part of your life (teen years) Don’t let some one steal it from you because they are selfish and need kicks. Date around your own age group, learn people. This will be of great use when you get older. Enjoy your youth! Peace Sting

Answer #3

He doesn’t even seem to know how old he is - seems like a phony to me. Its probley best for you to move on so you don’t get messed around - don’t set yourself up to get hurt.

Answer #4

He is way to old and you barley know him. And you should tell your mom whats going and you should see what she thinks about the whole situation, tell her how you feel about him. Who knows maybe she`ll understand. hope this helped! GOOD LUCK! =)

Answer #5

Look. I’ll answer thiss from personal experince. When I was 14 I really liked this guy who was 19. He seemed really nice and acted like we were meant to be. Well, after I lost my virginity to him he stopped talking to me, then I found out he was having a baby with another 14 year old and was engaged to another 19 year old. I’ve learned from my experince. Please don’t take the same road I did, because it will leave you hurt and heartbroken.

Answer #6

hes just telling you what you want to hear, remember how he kept changing his name, he was doing that so you’d be more likely to give him your number, and im sure youre a beautiful girl, but hes just complimenting you to fool you into thinking things that aren’t true.

I would definetly try to avoid him, he really sounds like a creep, and you SHOULD tell him you can be friends, but you dont want to be like that, because thats illegal, and very traumatic for anybody.

hope everything works out (:

Answer #7

thanks guys x

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