How could my own father be so cruel?

My father is a nice man , but he has a strange character , where he wants things his way or no way. Im 17 years old and I am very mature for my age , I go to college , I work and I pay my dad £80 of my wages to him for rent. Hes always up, down and out with his religion (jehovahs whitness) but …

Hes always gettting at me , I dont think he likes me much, because I am in contact with my mother , which wasnt a great mum to me or my brothers in the past. 13 years down the line she contacted me , as well as my sister and brother.

But my dad uses that against a lot of things and personaly I dont think I can take it anymore… The latest is that he wont be able to turn up for my first college show (acting) because he has to attend to his religious meetings , that he has only just started going back to. Is it me or is it him ? X

Answer #1

Your father is very self centered. It has nothing to do with you. My father was the same way. He would not attend my or my siblings events because he said he didn’t enjoy that type of thing. For my graduation he decided to take a vacation without us and missed it. Your going to need to accept this is the way he is and move on. Invite some truly special people to your show instead.

Answer #2

I think that his religion has blinded him into what this world really is. He dosent seem so cruel it just seems that when he noticed how was your mom and what she did to your family he didn’t seem so happy about it, but he also has to understand that your mom is your mom and that you do have the right to see her. I mean he does need some sience, hes not seeing your mom with you or anathing, and your keeping the twolifes of them separated so what is his problem?

But I mean the best thing to do is just leave him and just keep doing what your doing and wait I mean hopefully as years go by, meaby, he will get a point of life where everything is not so like he sees it.

Answer #3

I think it is mostly him. But that’s life. Sometime you just have to deal with it. I personally think there is nothing better than family. And to seperate will make things a whole lot worse. Just try to speak to him and even go to his religious meetings. He might appreciate it more. Personally I don’t believe in jehovah witness but I’m a christian. Try and go live with your mum if his behaviour doesn’t change. But don’t creat a grudge between someone in your family because in the end he is still family. I know this because I have a father who can be cruel sometimes. But sometimes you have not choice but to put up with it. Good luck!

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