Cruel "old school" parents

I looked up some advice about accidently swallowing soap.(I clean out water bottles and reuse them). I forgot to dump the soapy water and refrigerated it, hubby took a sip (yikes!), anyhow it lead me here where I read about kids having there mouths washed out with soap which I think is barbaric, hubby’s mother had done this to him too. it got me thinking of some of the “old school way’s” , hubby said when he was a kid and got boils that his mother would boil coke bottles in water, take them out and immediately put them on his boil (sore pimple). as the bottle cooled, the boil popped. hubby would scream! “mom” has long been gone now, along with her “old school” way’s. Can anyone out there relate to this horror story?

Answer #1

The heating of bottles for boils…that would be painful to say the least…however, something like this wasn’t punishment, it came from a time when there was no antibiotics.

I involuntarily got soaped for a nasty mouth…it only happened one time, and I learned quick…I haven’t noticed that it’s affected my psyche at all…

Discipline of the past, was part of the times…Life was HARD, work was HARD work, and people did it from dawn to dusk, no such thing as an 8 hour day…there wasn’t time for “time outs”… People punished to make their point quickly and effectively…Times are just different, that’s all.


Answer #2

amblessed, I didn’t say they were All bad but I was referring to the horrific ones. I paint with a broad brush? LOL. I thought my story/question was quite narrow and to the point.

ichibanarky, I’m glad that this generation is seeing a lot less of the “old school” way’s concerning punishment. when I was a kid “time out” was unheard of. I could tell stories of how my g-parents punished my father but I’ll keep it light instead. have a good day and I am definately on the wrong site. g-bye

Answer #3

You paint with a broad brush - not all ‘old school’ ways were as you put it ‘horror stories’ - many were of a positive-effect nature.

Answer #4

My grandmother used to whip my father with a kettle cord…by the time I was born, she’d relaxed her ways qite a bit..I’ve, personally, never had to endure anything worse than a spanking.

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