what do you think about my poem ?

well its not really a poem I just wrote my feelings

Sometimes it gets to hard I just miss you to much, You used to call me your beautiful girl even though times were tough for you, You still fought the battle against it wasn’t sure if you was going to win it, Still fighting and fighting against it doing all you could to hang on, Just to see me grow up only a little bit.

All my life I’ve been hearing stories about you, How you wanted to protect your children you was a brave and proud man, As I think about it still hurts to think about the pain you went through, Even though I didn’t even know you I was only a couple of months old, When cancer took your life and I hope your watching over me

because you got your wish … you got to see me growing up, Up there in the sky because I know your one of the billion stars shining, Shining brighter than the rest to tell me you’ll love me forever.x

much love’xOx

Answer #1

I had to read it twice to really understand what you were saying, but when I caught the meaning, it tugged at my heartstrings. It left me thinking (as any good poem should) about if this is based on true events, and how you came up with it if it’s not. I would work on the spelling a bit if you ever decided to enter such a thing into contests or the professional world, but it has a truly beautiful meaning.

Answer #2

That is amazing, I write poetry too and yours is way better. I won a contest and came second out of 427 people. Is that good. I just wanted to say that is very sad and that was beautiful keep on writing. It was AMAZING!! :) :) :) :) :) :) <3

Answer #3

thanks (:

Answer #4


aww thats so sad ;/ But ithe poems itself is realllyyy good =)))

Answer #5

touching!!! its good!!! :)

Answer #6

its awsome.can you help me on something? I have a boy friend and we been dating for 3 years.but he cheated and me.but im still in love.

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