Venting emotions in a healthy way?

Does anyone have an healthy ways of venting their emotions??? I feel like crying and hurting someone/thing… no I just feel really destructive… I need a new method as my previous on wasn’t very “healthy”.

Answer #1

A few exercises that may help-

Go outside and find a wall somewhere, keep chucking a tennis ball at it. (sometimes it helps to yell as you’re throwing - get angry and vent)

Get some glass bottled sodas and when you drink them hold onto the bottles. Then get a rather large box, outside(or a basement if you have a big one) and slam the glass bottle in the box, shattering it. I dunno why… but this helps to get that destructive feeling out… and you’re not harming yourself or anyone else(or breaking their things!)

beat your pillow. (then go to sleep lol )

Scream in your car while on a back road. I’ve done this a few times and was amazed at the raw emotion that came from this powerful piercing scream… it was released then I was good.

xox Sika

Answer #2

Some people go out for runs, rock climbing, work out, play guitar, play drums, gardening, exercise their dog, etc. You need an activity where you can vent your energy and emotions by doing an activity with the same level of intensity, and at the same time taking their mind off the problem. It keeps you fit and healthy too!

Answer #3

Play your favorite sport such as baseball, basket ball, ect. Go for walks, do some hiking if you’re into that, talk to someone such as your family, or close friends, and work out. When venting, I just go straight to one of my leaders from church. If you go to church, maybe you can vent your emotions out to someone that’ll make you feel better. I know, for me, when I vent, I feel better by talking to someone from church. But, doing activities are healthy ways to get your emotions out besides talking to someone which is also healthy too.

Answer #4

go do something active such as: Karate, wrestling, boxing, or something that ALLOWS you to hit a person or a thing and it will be okay. Or kust write a letter explaining how you feel and the things that are making you feel this way, then burn it! DO NOT SEND IT!!! You wouldn’t want to do something you might regret!

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