Swimming :(

Has anyone ever tried going swimming on their period when it was medium/heavy without a tampon or anything? What happened?

Answer #1

I know people who have used pads in their swimming suits when going swimming, but they always said it was very uncomfy and that they pads tend to come off or leak because of the excess water. Your best bet is to use a tampon when swimming, or not go swimming at all, you dont want to bleed through your bathing suit and end up with an embarressing day.

Answer #2

Actually when your on your period and you get in a lot od water like that it slows down or just stops for the moment. But I would advise you not to seriously. Dont make your self hurt even more with all the crampen. And you sure dont wanna see something floaten around you like that in the pool

Answer #3

The bleeding probably won’t show in the water, but when you get out, you’ll have watery blood running down your legs, the same as getting out of the bath.

Oh and I don’t recommend it, not just because you’ll be embarrassed, but also because I find the idea of someone else bleeding in the swimming pool (where others are supposed to be swimming) pretty much disgusting.

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